
@yanipheonu: I just bought a PSP-3000 ~2 months ago? I've had no such problems.

@Skunky: holy crap. that is AWESOME. Where can one aquire such an awesome kit?

@Toshi: It can't really be helped. but FFXIII. I didn't hate the game by any means, but there is no way any game whatsoever could have matched my anticipation for the game, or fulfilled the hype I was creating in my brain. SEE SQUARE? YOU ONLY HURT YOURSELF BY TEASING SO HARD.

@FutbolGenius: online really has never done much for me. I have a gold account so I can play halo with a few friends every once in a while. that's really about it.

@Fernando Jorge: depends on the game I guess, but for a survival FPS, pickup for sure. definitely makes it way scarier if you don't know you'll be able to take whats around the next corner.

@Archaotic: Nice. I forgot to preorder! I wonder if the limited edition can still be aquired. D:

I shall be playing a healthy dose of Study for Exam on Wednesday!

@ihearthawthats: heh yeah. the home version was just practice for the arcade version anyways.

@bakura: oh, I just mean the number of souls you gained off the last two bosses, as you have to clear 1-1 again to get the maiden to spend them all.

oh. my. goodness. It has been a while, Ms. Brea.