
My answer to this is always one thing. YouTube! watch a few videos here and there. See what you like and don’t like! Tons of practice is a must. I was TERRRIBLE at eyeshadow before and now I can pull a smokey eye out of my ass so fast!

I keep trying not to watch... but yeah. I wanna see what happens too.

Nick is a dick man. When he was losing it and said he wasn’t attracted to Sonia at all... then to learn they’ve had sex! She must’ve felt like shit.

I’m a fan of the l’oreal brow stylist plumper! Comes in a dark, light and clear

My son projectile vomited into said brother’s mouth when he was playing with him one day. I considered that a win!! Hahahaha

Don’t be sorry. I understand. Thanks for sharing though because I just legitimately was not understanding this phenomenon. Well, I guess more so with the 2 couples that I know this happened with. I’m happy that you did what you had to do to keep yourself happy. I admire it!


Not public bathroom but it’s gross to me because I HATE vomit:

This! I personally have known 2 couples who were together for over 10 years. Had a huge crazy wedding, then divorced a year later. Like... what the fuck was that expensive ass wedding even for? What were you guys doing the last 10 years?! I don’t get it!

My week started off crappy because of my period D: then got worse because I got sick all of a sudden. I was feeling it hard on Wednesday so much boyfriend took our son to the library to give me a break. They came home and my son bursts into my room with a bouquet of Tiger Lily flowers(my favorite) and my favorite

When I was in high school, I got a phone call at about 6 in the morning from my dad at work. I’m thinking ‘Omg there was a riot at the doesn’t call me like this before school because he knows I need sleep!” So I answer and the first thing he says is.... “Sweetheart, do you know a rapper by the name of

I really enjoyed the first season of The Strain! But you’re right, we got to the second season and my boyfriend and I were saying that the characters are getting really stupid. And Zach is an annoying shit. But we can’t stop watching because we want something awesome to happen! Ugh.

He would never leave your side! Hahaha

I keep telling myself that as he gets older, it’ll be so much easier to say no. I’m just lying to myself. And so is his dad haha. He looks at us with those eyes and we’re just done for.

You’ll be okay. We’re all here for you! *hugs

*sobbing with pie pie because mine is 3 also :’(

I hope you learn the truth soon. For yours and the children’s sake. For him to say, “oh you’ll read into it too much” means there is something to read into. Don’t let him make you feel crazy!

Shady. As. Fuck. I’m irritated for you.


Try Lisa Unger! Someone suggested her to me on here and I’ve read about 4 of her books in the last month! I’m about to start number 5 here in a bit!