I think I’m more so disappointed in myself for thinking she'd be a halfway decent person. AHHHH WELL. Trifling asshat will be my insult of the week! <3
I think I’m more so disappointed in myself for thinking she'd be a halfway decent person. AHHHH WELL. Trifling asshat will be my insult of the week! <3
Yeah, I definitely shut that shit down right away. I almost felt disrespected because it was obvious she thought it was okay to pay me so little because I'm a stay at home mom. Thank you for the advice! People are such assholes sometimes.
Yeah, it’s hard to stay on track the first few weeks, but once you’ve got it, you’ll be like “wtf was I complaining about!?”..well I’d probably still complain about the wine part lol
I have one there and yeah you can feel it, but it’s not so terrible. and you say you don’t have a lot of sensation there, so I think you’ll be just fine! If anything, it feels like someone snapping you with a rubberband over and over again. ....that sounds terrible. I’m sorry hahaha but it’s the only thing I could…
I fear that if I’m drunk around her, I might just tell her that + a little more. whatevs, it’ll be a wakeup call to her if anything. She treats her own boyfriend like dogshit so I don’t know why I expected anything decent out of her. ...can you tell I’m angry? hahaha, I’m sorry. ;/
Where on your body are you planning on getting it? It’s honestly not all that terrible, but everyone’s pain threshold is different! I usually like to listen to music during sessions so I completely zone out (got through my ribs just fine doing this) Talk to someone, just be distracted so you’re not focused on the…
Not a diet really, well...man idk. sorry I’m tired. ANYWAYS, I cut out red meat when I had my little one to lose the extra baby weight. And I remember thinking “BUT I NEEDS MAH STEAK AND BACON” aaaaaand, it was actually really easy haha. I even ended up cutting out chicken and just went pescatarian for a year. I…
Run like the wind. There are tons of hot guys out there with a lot less baggage! So not worth the trouble!
Okay, so I’m upset.
Basically, I’m a stay at home mom to a toddler going through his terrible twos. A friend(using it loosely here), was looking for someone to babysit her daughter (4months) a couple times a week, and I said of course, because my stupidass always wants to help people out! She of course offered to pay,…
Hey! I'm only 24 and I collected Shirley Temple movies growing up! #notallmillenials
I'm 24, boyfriend is going on 33. So there's that. Would probably only go a year younger if I was in the position of dating again, but that's not happening anytime soon! Older men ftw!
Full time momming here as well! My boyfriend usually gives me money to get whatever I want for myself or to go on mommy/son dates. I save it up and buy gifts that I wanna give him! OR make awesome breakfasts/dinners on birthdays and holidays! It works!
Agree completely. As long as he doesn't have that dirt stache, it's a rock hard yes for me. No shame. My boyfriend knows I'm in love with the Biebs.
Obsessed. I'm not Japanese, but my boyfriend is, therefore, our son is. So I feel like it's my duty to make these damn cute little bentos every once in awhile when he starts school. Went to a Japanese market and saw allll the stuff to help execute this. WILL DO
I've made sure to pee before having sex and I squirt buckets during sex. Doesn't smell or look like pee at all.
Honey, only you know what's best for yourself. If it works out well for you, your friends can suck it! If not, lesson learned and your friends should be your friends and be there for you. Seriously 6 years isn't a big deal! My parents have been together since the dinosaur age (JKJK) and they're 7 years apart! If I…
As long as you guys have things in common, you’ll be okay. The more you think about it, it’ll become an unnecessary issue! I’m 24 and my boyfriend/baby daddy(HA, hate that term) is 32 going on 33. Definitely did not think he was 28 when I first met him (damn you Asian genetics!!!) and I almost flaked out but I'm glad…
That's adorable! I'm 24 and a mom. My dad(stepdad actually) STILL calls me his baby and let's a lot of people know it. I love awesome dads