I totally went bonkers when we found out we were expecting. Especially because I had taken plan b the night after the “accident”. So there I was, a bright eyed 21 year old, a year deep into my relationship, pissing on a stick.
I totally went bonkers when we found out we were expecting. Especially because I had taken plan b the night after the “accident”. So there I was, a bright eyed 21 year old, a year deep into my relationship, pissing on a stick.
the cream lip stain from sephora is surprisingly light feeling. BUT it is matte so it can be drying if you don't exfoliate/moisturize your lips really well. As far as lipstick goes, you may wanna stay away from anything matte as matte usually equals dry. Try out nyx butter glosses and/or butter lipsticks. Awesomely…
I'm a baby when it comes to pain BUT I had both of my partially impacted bottoms removed with local and it was A OKAY! My brother went night night when he did his but he told me he could feel everything sOOoo there's that. I was pretty happy with my choice
mothers. We can never do enough. Hahahaha
your mom sounds awesome!
UGHHH don't get me started on body hair. My mom never had it! So she never understood the struggle when I started looking like a wooly mammoth.
I definitely think it is. If you watch the Filipino channel, allll the women are light skinned and its a mixed bag with the guys. My moms filipina too and she was always more concerned with mine and my sister's skin rather than our three brothers. Totally a gender thing.
My husband is half Filipino half japanese and his Filipino cousins used to pick On him soooo much because he was extremely light skinned! They always called him pretty boy and just gave him so much grief
it was just normal day to day shit in our household. My brothers didn't care. My younger sister did hate being called "black" though so there's that. I eventually was able to teach her that she's beautiful regardless and she should embrace everything about herself. She's 13 now and very self aware. My mom has gotten…
allllll of this. I'm half filipina, my mom being filipina. My father is black. Growing up, my mom hated letting me go outside so I wouldn't get any darker. I was the lightest out of the five kids so she wanted to keep it that way haha. Her nails were and still are perfectly pointed at the ends even though all she did…
wnw has definitely stepped their game up over the years! And thank you so much! :) that lippy makes me feel awesome about myself
have you tried a mattifying primer?
when I first started using brow products, I tried out the elf eyebrow kit. It comes with a powder side and a gel side and it's awesomeeee for only three bucks! It's a great jumping off point
if you thin out some elmers glue with a bit of water and apply it around the perimeter of your nail, it'll easily peel off the mess!
Japan is definitely a country full of purists. That's just the way it is unfortunately. However, being half black and half asian myself, this is the kind of shit that makes me proud. Screw everyone that ever made fun of the halfies and gave us shit for not being "black enough" or "asian enough" go Miyamoto!!
do yourself and favor and stock up! The lipliners are SOOO creamy it's stupid! The eyeshadows are also GAWWWGEOUS! The metallic ones... Ugh. I can't deal. Milani keeps winning me over!
no problem! I was the same way. After I became a mother I wanted a way to spoil myself every now and then haha so I started to teach myself the ins and outs of makeup. Also, YouTube totally helps!
milani blushes are beautiful drugstore blushes! They've got matte and baked shimmer blushes, the latter being my favorite. The rose d'oro is a great one and I think it's good for skin tones across the board. Awesome pigmentation and a little goes a long way!
blend blend blend! Either a damp beauty blender or a stippling brush(my favorite!)