
So fitting. So perfect.

Also, I'd punch a bitch on the metro to get him to jump me. Okay, I'm done for the day.

That OB/GYN.... Just drooled everywhere. Couldn't let him near my ladybits though because he would... See things happening. Lawd have mercy.


Went to the zoo my freshman year of high school with my class and there was a snake in the toilet when one of my friends went in. SO MUCH NOPE.
I would get this because of that reason and that reason only.

When someone somewhat known because of his sporting abilities makes it a point to let you know about his abilities and that he is SoOoOOoo awesome for it. ack, fuck off. i don't even like football.

my 13 year old sister and her friends reacted the same way when they were introduced to this book/movie. Even begged my parents for the movie! I couldn't believe. I was happy for a split second because it was one of my favorite books when I was younger... Until she said she was in love with pony boy. -_-

Cheese and apple is good though! My mom makes a macaroni salad with small chunks of cheddar and apple in it and it's my favorite!

So many of my boyfriend's friends are afraid of their hosebeasts. I won't be surprised if one of them tries to pull this in the near future. :/

mmm dat zippy's chili! lol

In the Philippines, our spaghetti is actually on the sweeter side. And we also have something called Banana Ketchup which is AMAZEBALLS. so that's totally normal to me!

Gotta agree with you. In Arizona I was getting cat called, barked at, even hit on while pregnant. This was daily shit. Moving to Hawaii, just wow. Such a huge difference. I feel safe here. The one time someone hit on me, I told him I have a boyfriend and he apologized and told me to have a wonderful night with him.

hahaha, I did the same thing! There were times where I had to just completely cut her off for her to realize that I was the only person going to be there for her. But like I said, after my son, I just didn't have time for it. It sucked/hurt at first knowing that my best friend of 17 years wasn't there for me to call

I swear everyone has to encounter ONE person in their lives that's this person. Mine was my best friend since we were 4 years old. The older we got, the more narcissistic she got.
She ALWAYS wanted me to be there for her whenever she was having issues with her stupid fuck boyfriends and me being the person I am, I was.

Not crazy at all! My boyfriend and I are not engaged either, but we've been slowly putting ideas together for our wedding. I think I even found the dress I want and he was really supportive/excited for me. I'm right there with ya! lol

Reading through your discussion made me realize that I might need to go to therapy as well for the EXACT reason. If your mother is a crazy asian woman then we might be sisters too, because even the abusive relationship is the same deal(my dad, her first husband). My stepdad however, is an absolutely amazing man and a

Literally yelled "AWWWW SNAP" after she said that. my kid stared at me like I was nuts. DAMN YOU SHONDA! gets me every time!

yeah, I had gotten cursed out a couple times because of the policy. Don't shoot the messengers!

yeah well unfortunately there were TONS of excuses made just so they could get out of donating. it happens.