
ugh, so many people in my office were that way with me while I was pregnant. any little sound I made, they would suddenly stare over at my cubicle all wide-eyed and think I was just going to shoot out my baby at that second. it's insane how much people don't know.

I remember first watching a birthing video my freshman year of high school and I wanted to cry. All the guys in that class had a horrified look on their faces the rest of the day after that period (which was the 1st! go figure).

Then I gave birth last year (32 hour long labor ya'll !) and all I could see was that

it's hard. very hard. but it's all worth it in the end. every thing i went through labor wise was forgotten as soon as i saw my little boy. you'll be okay :) just focus, center yourself and everything will happen on its own. congratulations! :)

YAAAASSSS! I've dated men anywhere from 5'5 to 6'10 and i'm 5'10. love of my life/best friend/partner in crime is 5'7 and I don't hate it! he encourages me to wear heels because he likes it and has no qualms about our height difference. I've noticed that the taller men I've dated feel the need to be manly men on a

her boobs are suffocating D:

My dad's side of the family didn't like that my mom was asian, so therefore didn't like that the kids were mixed (black/asian), so much so that I had very little interaction with majority of them at my dad's funeral. Haven't spoken to them since (I was 11) and I'm totally fine with that.

Zack just isn't Zack for me :( I mean, none of them bear any resemblance to the OG cast, but they could've at least tried...just a little bit D:

Zack just isn't Zack for me :( I mean, none of them bear any resemblance to the OG cast, but they could've at least tried...just a little bit D:

I myself am half black/half Filipino and my boyfriend is half Filipino/half Japanese. There have definitely been multiple occasions where strangers have commented on our relationship. Especially black men, not to say they're bad people but that's where majority of the negative comments come from. We also have a son so