
I would add traditions like dads “giving away” their daughters at their weddings to this list. When fathers have a sense of ownership over their daughters’ sexuality, and it’s played out in lots of little ways throughout the culture, so steeped in “tradition” that most people barely notice it and/or actively defend

Dude, you are basically demonstrating your hilariously transparent sexism every time you dig yourself a little deeper. “Sweetie?” “Your little rant?” You’re like a satire of yourself at this point.

Ah, yes, “traditional.” One of the most tried and true dog whistles for justifying misogyny while pretending to maintain a virtuous stance.

I hope that Schnitzer’s daughters both grow up to be business geniuses, go to work for the competition, and aggressively destroy their dad’s business, fueled by their rage at being second-class citizens in their own father’s eyes. And that his son pursues a career in, like, modern dance, and has no interest in any of

He was in the season’s opening montage scene in the bathroom...

It isn’t a double standard. That’s like saying reverse racism is just as big a problem as racism in this country. It’s apples and oranges, and to pretend otherwise is just intellectually dishonest. The issue with poor, rural, religious white folks voting against their own interests usually boils down to hatred,

This guy is more obsessed with gay sex than most of the gay dudes I know.

He kinda looks like Tony Robbins’ twin brother a la the movie Twins: one of them got the looks and the charisma, and the other one got...all the crud that was left over.

I guess I didn’t think any of it was actually mean at all? They reference Michelle being too busy with her fashion empire. Later they say that the Olsen twins are making bank in the fashion world, so “no wonder they don’t have to act anymore.” It felt more like a wink and a nod through the fourth wall than anything

I’d like a cookie. Cookies are delicious.

I would encourage you to look up the definition of “honest mistake,” because you are misusing the term. The objective definition of the phrase is not a mistake that one regrets, but rather a mistake which is made unintentionally. But I get that using the wrong phrase is, ironically, an honest mistake on your part, and

Choosing to cheat on your partner is never an “honest mistake.” An honest mistake implies that a person does not realize the thing they are doing is wrong. If a person honestly believed that it was ok to cheat, they would have no reason to hide it.

So basically you should only tell your partner if you are seriously at risk of getting caught or if they are at risk of contracting an STD? But if you want to stay in the relationship, you (and ONLY you) get to decide what is “right for your relationship”? Yeah, I’m calling bullshit on that.

A man who says he will do 50% of the childcare does not necessarily translate to a man who actually does 50% of the childcare once the kid is born. A lot of men will talk the talk about sharing household and childrearing responsibilities equally, but very few are actually willing to walk the walk.

It’s not always easy to tell how the housework is going to break down before kids happen. I have a friend who had a great, egalitarian marriage...until they had kids. Now she does the majority of everything house and kid related, while both she and her husband work full time. She isn’t OK with it, but at this point

How the heck do you get “constantly” from “sometimes”? No one is suggesting that talking about their kids constantly is workplace-appropriate at all. But having to pretend you don’t have kids is ludicrous. Every dude I work with mentions his kids at least occasionally and has family pictures on his desk, and there’s

That isn’t what the meme reads. The meme reads that men are afraid women will laugh at them, not reject them. If undermining the legitimacy of this quote is the hill you’re choosing to die on, the least you can do is read and retain it first.

The meme implies no such thing. Your critical reading skills appear to be quite lacking in this instance.

That isn’t what the meme implies at all, though. The meme speaks to what most women fear, not what most men do. Read the entire quote for proper context—it’s easily google-able.

If you feel like the only woman in the world that doesn’t care about expensive name-brand handbags, you seriously need to get out more. I doubt I know anyone who would spend hundreds—let alone thousands—of dollars on something so frivolous and absurd.