
When I first heard of Tesla, I thought the idea was genius. First, buy all of the electric motor and battery technology from someone else (AC Propulsion). Second, use the Lotus Elise Platform. Third, sell it for 100k. I thought it was a great idea. The elise platform is a great base, since it is light (very

@uihidden: To be fair I am pretty sure that the Toyota V6 numbers are using premium fuel.

The answer to why Ferrari is doing this is obvious. The whole CAFE and enviroment are just covers. Just think about it, why would anyone think it is a good idea to add any more electronics to an italian car? Not just normal electronics, but high voltage and high current systems. Add to that the fact Ferrari wants

@ManicSquirrel: The vette has better visibility and more cargo space. Most reviews of the ZR1 talk about how ridiculously usable the ZR1 is, is there anything that the R8 does so much better that makes up for its lack of cargo and rear visibility? If it was a daily driver I would like to pick up groceries every once

@Van Sarockin, rogue trebuchet: To be fair private industry was keeping GM on life support for the past 10 years or so. The reason nobody is helping is that GM has shown an unprecedented ability to destroy capital.

@Saboth: It is not just fuel usage, but also other emissions. Even using the same amount of fuel, the older car was built to older emissions standards, so getting that car off the road is better.

@wkiernan: Rush is not the head of the republican party. If he was you would think that he could exert some sort of real influence on the party leaders. Rush was against McCain, yet he became the candidate for presidency. He was against Steele, yet he somehow became chairman of the Party. He was even against Bush

@Do not taunt Happy Fun King Psyz: The tax payers could also make a lot of money funding an expedition to the amazon, led by Oprah and Ted Stevens, to search for Ben Franklin's hidden treasure, but only IF they find the treasure.

@Tyson: Lotus has people to make engines, in fact I believe something like over 25% of engines sold in Europe have had Lotus Engineering involved some time in their development. What Lotus Cars does not have is the money to develop a bespoke engine. The low volumes just do not make financial sense, but Lotus

@Unregular: This deserves a heart click.

@Ash78: I just want to point out that I find this post very under appreciated. The sad part is that the sterotypical republicans are the few people that were buying GM cars.

Wow, these republicans are way behind the times, the rest of the country has been boycotting GM for the past 25 years. Once again showing that republicans are way behind the rest of the nation.

I am not really impressed with this concept. Theory shows and other companies have shown (even GM) running E85 could produce more power and better economy. The issue is that you need to be running E85! Current flex fuel cars get worse economy on E85, because they need to be designed to work with both fuels, so they