
Awww, fuck man, I haven’t thought of the Arch Deluxe in years. I remember really liking it though. Not as much as Taco Bell’s fajita wraps, which they had for a few years in the 90's. I miss those everyday.

Hmm try harder? I mean I would, but considering my post has 4X the amount of stars as yours, I don’t think I need to.


...the opportunity to call him “saucy” was right there...

Maybe the Earth passed through the tail of a stupid comet months ago?

Man, someone’s upset they didn’t get that sauce!

Somebody needs to tell you that you are one of those dipshit fans of this overrated cartoon that doesn’t really get irony.

Yes, people can’t do anything that makes them happy, because a nut job did something awful! Forced patriotic mourning!

“The trial never ends”

why is everything so stupid now? i know things have always been stupid but it seems like every day brings with it the stupidest thing ever.

Jesus H Christ. It’s going to be really tough to argue for our species’ continued existence when supreme beings from outer space inevitably show up and put all of humanity on trial for shit like this.

I know this is obvious but is there a reason people would take the time out of their day to get some shitty McDonalds condiment packets when they could go get the same shit from any grocery store? How can people get “upset” over this? I understand most reasons why people can pretend to be outraged, but this is just...

“There are worse horror stories, too; people are reporting fights breaking out, lines blocking traffic...” people driving for 40 minutes and then spending an hour in line...

My mother, who maintains video games are of the devil, succumbed to the exact same logic about Wolf 3D.

I’m with you. The cynic in me thinks I may be falling for a marketing gimmick, but the bigger, nazi-hating part of me wants to buy a Wolfenstein for the first time ever because of this.

I think the video game market has really missed out on a video game about killing KKK members during the 1920s. Oh the internet rage would be so delicious. Please make this happen. It would be... beautiful.

To all the weirdo contrarians who have a problem with this marketing campaign, I ask you this. Since when is being “anti-nazi” a controversial political belief?

Well, now I’m buying a copy. I don’t care if its Superman 64 bad. I just want it to do well so those Nazi loving Bastards have something else to cry into their pillows about.

The only good Nazi is a dead Nazi. Hurry up and be November 7th so I can sate my blood lust for these scum-humping sacks of shit in beautiful 4K.

Meh if you’re not killing nazi’s you’re not doing it right.