
I will happily buy a new plastic guitar to revisit this franchise. I loved all 3 games, but by the 3rd one the PS3 was showing its age as it would often crash between playlists because I had too many songs loaded. I just hope they put the inner frets a little higher up on the neck (if they have a different design). I

Probably would've learned this hard way if I'd gone through with renting it on PS4, but the people I would've played with weren't getting it so I dropped it from my Gamefly queue and stuck with the PC version. Despite all the hate its been getting, much like I did during the alpha and beta, I'm having a blast and

Same as Luda. I put in about 10 hours yesterday and never had any graphical bugs. Only bug I did experience (which probably got me to stop playing and finally get some sleep!) was one were I couldn't interact with anything that required the "use" key. I'd get the white diamond, but the prompt to interact never showed

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X-Ray followed by Fatality seemed redundant, but overall still very much looking forward to this game.

I never finished the Skyrim due to the memory issues on the PS3 version, and though I grabbed it on PC during one of the steam holiday sales, I never got very far with it on PC. I built a new rig back in November and aside from a lot of 10v10 L4D2 and TF2 then before, Skyrim's one of the first big single player

Sony's PSN service had some problems over Christmas. For most this was an inconvenience, but for one kid from Florida...

A year or two ago, this would've devastated me as far as gaming goes. But after finally building a new rig last month I'm having a blast revisiting games like Skyrim, L4D2, TF2 as well some new titles like Shovel Knight and Crypt of the NecroDancer. Hell, I've used my Vita more than my PS4 in the last month or two

At first I thought I'd be OK with the whole armor matters after Lv20 because I was already used to games like Monster Hunter where your character doesn't level up at all and you need to find better armor/gear to take on stronger enemies. But between the extremely limited amount of armor sets available in Destiny and

Nobody read the manuals back then. At least not the for the parts about how to play the game. The best part of the manuals back then was just for the cool character or enemy art and bits of game story/lore they used to include.

It's interesting that their default expectation is to have everything explained to them before they even started playing. I'm happy that the one kid who actually did a button check before moving over on the first screen at least got to the boss (and got a good pattern down before dying).

It's hard to be mad at people who actually give a shit about what they create and that have the foresight not to release a glorified beta that gets patched every few weeks just because they can.

That whole zoom/focus effect that happens with just about every hit is annoying as hell. For a rarely used, flashy special attack... it's understandable. But when executing a basic combo or low end charged attack? Jeezus, I can feel my eyes refocusing with every hit.

Ah Facing Worlds. From the first time I set foot on that map during the CTF portion of the UT99 campaign, I knew it was a special place. So much time also spent playing Face Classic in UT2K4 with everything from Instagib, to crazy player counts, to moon physics... just about every mutator I had downloaded I ran

I used to use a spare DS3 for PC games (like Witcher 2, Rogue Legacy, Super Meat Boy, etc.) until the PS4 came out and they began making tools to fully utilize the DS4. Played all of Dark Souls 2 with the DS4 and loved every second of it. It's been hard to go back to the DS3, but I did mod my DS4 and replaced the

I personally enjoyed the Doom novels, but I'm a pretty big fan of the lore of the franchise, so I am probably more open minded to it than most. The Resident Evil novels however were surprisingly good. If I remember correctly, books 1, 3, and 5 followed the first 3 games respectively while books 2 and 4 involved other

How badly desensitized must I be that I've played most of not all of these games and not one of them disturbed me in the slightest?

I've heard both and both sizes are great. I stuck with the 80s though because the size better suited to how I constantly use them. I didn't want large over-the-ear cups on all the time, so the on-ear set are easier to transition, wear, and manage when constantly commuting.

I've heard both and both sizes are great. I stuck with the 80s though because the size better suited to how I

I've been the proud owner of V-Moda Shadow M80s for 2 years now and these things are still going strong. The sound quality is amazing, the lows, mids, and highs are audible and clear. I'm a metalhead, so I have these things cranked up to 11 all the time and I can hear every instrument. The build quality is supurb as

I've been the proud owner of V-Moda Shadow M80s for 2 years now and these things are still going strong. The sound

I've never hallucinated verbal sound effects or phrases, but definitely have with other regular sound effects. Typically it'll happen while I'm consciously or subconsciously thinking about a music for a game or a specific experience I had. Or more commonly, if I decided to listen to my own music collection while