So what you're saying is that unless my opinions are purely positive and in-line with the tone of the article that I can't express an opinion? And that humor of any kind can only be used in the same said positive manner?
So what you're saying is that unless my opinions are purely positive and in-line with the tone of the article that I can't express an opinion? And that humor of any kind can only be used in the same said positive manner?
I guess we'll have agree to disagree. I refuse to accept that providing a civil, rational, and non-hostile (albeit opinionated) answer to my interpretation of a question in an article (which while entirely within the context of the article) is somehow wrong, not allowed, or trolling because you don't agree with it or…
No worries. Kotaku's layout plays tricks on the eyes.
Now you're defining the question's "implication"? I'm sorry, but you're just grasping at straws.
You seem to think my definition of the grip involves the Middle finger being the primary finger. I feel like I'm on a loop, but I'll try to say this one more time: I AGREE WITH YOU... the index finger is primary finger used for just about everything from guns, to mice, to old controllers. The only time the middle…
I don't understand how expressing dislike for something ultimately equates to trolling. Was it the playful "/snap" at the end? Was that where I crossed the line?
The article's title is a question. That alone is an invitation for comment and discussion.
I just don't understand your comparison and quite frankly am beginning to think you either don't understand this conversation either. A gun only has 1 trigger... 1 active input (not counting the manually using the hammer). No one in their right mind (unless they have an injured or disabled index) would use the middle…
Because it's called a discussion. Maybe someone out there has an interesting perspective or opinion on the game that they could share. Maybe others feel the same and also want to comment. Maybe because people like you also feel like wasting time posting reactionary memes to things or comments they don't like or…
Actually the index finger is usually a person strongest and most dextile finger outside the thumb. So there is a definitive reason...
I can wait all night and all day. In fact I can wait forever!
There's no definitive reason why a should button or trigger has to be pushed by an index finger other than it conflicting with the ergonomics of the controller.
This couldn't be the furthest thing from the truth. The PlayStation controller has always had 4 shoulder buttons, and only with the DS3 did they begin to be known as "triggers". Not so much because of the extra springy throttle functionality provided compared to earlier DS controllers, but because the 360 controllers…
First of all, way to comment on 2 and a half year old post. It's nice to get in there while the topic is fresh!
Most sane people would, if given the choice between playing a game using the DualShock 3 or Xbox 360 Controller, would go for Microsoft's pad every time.
Nah man, the 15th is when the [console] Next Gen becomes the [console] Current Gen!
GTAO has been an interesting experiment, but Rockstar's only got my attention until Nov 15th.
The point is in the text and it's pretty clear. People have stated that 'PC gaming is dying' for decades.
Replaceable batteries?! Pfft, even the GameBoy gave up on replaceable batteries with the Advance redesign. Get with the times.
That D-Pad... an emulator's worst nightmare.