I've been calling it the "XBO" (I like to break all my consoles down to a 3 or 4 character abbreviation) or "XBOne" (kinda like the PSOne back in the day) when referring to it in writing ever since hearing the official name. Verbally I still call "the new Xbox" or just "Xbox". Calling it the "Xbox One" out loud when…
Can't plan to kill someone (or something) in a game I don't plan to ever play.
Isn't that what I said?
It says high speed data port, not high speed cable. They are referring to the actual port at the bottom of the controller (like where the mic jack was on the 360 controller).
Because it seemed so obvious, we probably thought it went without saying.
They are similar in that they both penalize the consumer, but the mandatory connection and ability to play used/shared games are still two separate issues. And while the requirement for an online connection and a measly 24-hour offline window have been verified, the used/shared game issue hasn't been 100% verified yet…
I did too. These next gen graphics are so detailed, you see things that aren't even there!
You joke, but someone from Microsoft just read that post and wrote it down to discuss during their next meeting!
By all accounts, it has an HDMI in and out, presumably for easy session capture. As for dual output... while I'm sure the hardware could possibly support it (on some technical level), the current build configurations for each still focus on using a single large screen and likely won't change for some time (if ever).
I mean, that supercut from The Entire Xbox One Reveal In 1.5 Hilarious, Terrifying Minutes article pretty much summed up what I got from the reveal.
Wait... do I play Call of Duty or watch TV? Or play and/or watch sports?!
High speed data port... extra motors for added rumble... and (rechargeable) AA batteries.
Update: Just read "http://kotaku.com/xbox-one-does-…" article about online. So I guess there is no love for those who don't have any internet or unstable internet.
The always online issue is different from the used games issue. Is the system always online? No. If you have Live and already activated your game on first use then getting bumped offline anytime later wont also bump you out of your already offline gaming session. I would also guess that those who buy an XBO and never…
I think it's just similar to how online passes work now, the checks are only executed when trying to use the online features like multiplayer or online leaderboards. This however shouldn't interfere with single-player modes/gameplay.
The Cat & Koi pond piece is amazing. I wonder how long it takes to make something like that.
Needs more Materia.
I'm hoping there's no random choreographed singing/dancing 'Super Bowl half-time show'-like component to this event. I'll be watching this at work and would hate to feel like my time was being wasted.