You can date someone without making sexual advances!
You can date someone without making sexual advances!
I know the turn of the phrase quite well, and never ever heard of it applied to coworkers becoming involved.
What I learned is you think people having consensual sex is the same as taking a hot steaming dump of shit.
I’d rather have a real scientist hosting Cosmos, instead of just an actor. Don’t get me wrong, I love me Bill Nye, but Cosmos has always been hosted by actual scientists and I don’t want to see it become just a hot-seat for any celebrity who can read a teleprompter.
This cacophony of styles, sounds, gameplay, and colors is disturbing on so many levels. Having watched this video, I can safely say I have absolutely zero interest in playing this. It seriously looks like a rejected PS1 game made by students.
Sleep mode is excellent on a console with no games. #1 feature! ;-)
I would bite if I could get the digital edition of this
I would bite if I could get the digital edition of this
“This all changed when HTML5 hit the scene, and since then Flash’s presence and necessity have dwindled. HTML5 is more powerful, easier for developers to use, and is much safer than Flash, and the overwhelming majority of popular websites migrated over to HTML5 ages ago."
So, is it “m-AIR-e-oh” or “m-AHR-e-oh”?
How can I find out what apps this runs?
How can I find out what apps this runs?
Not available in my country?
Saw the graphic, noticed the GameCube controller silhouette.
Is there a single thing this administration does that does not scream “FLIM FLAM ARTIST”?
I have that mobile tank kit, and it is excellent. I loves all the joints and moving parts in these kits. Story? Character? That isn’t why I play with Lego.
AFAIK, Nintendo does not have any of these Free-To-Play / Loot Box mechanics in their games... yet.
Good deal but waiting for the switch version.
Good deal but waiting for the switch version.
‘Swipe Up from the Bottom’ is the main gesture from webOS