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Transforming mars might be a lot easier harder than most some people believe

What happened to Time Travel Duffel Bag?

Bioware was better before EA got involved.

Graphic Novel About D&D’s Creator Is Enchanting, But Falls Into A Familiar Trap

I’ve developed systems for Comcast and the NCTA.

Some people in the south are too poor to move, even though they’d much rather be in the Utopian Northern states

Came for this. Was not disappointed.

If dumbasses want to see this whitewashed flick and it’s a moneymaker, then the market has spoken.

I’m sure they would be larger if they were closer.

Egad! The shattering of this illusion brought an inexplicable grin to my face.

Why does this version look so much better?

Zeus is her ‘father’.



I don’t care how long it takes or how bumpy the Klingon’s heads are. Just get me a show examining the human condition, written well.

Why must good news come wrapped in such a bitter pill?

Okay. Didn’t expect this.

Sounds like a Nintendo Switch

This year or not... Pokémon will be on the Switch.

Earth is unique.