
The youtuber in the first Helm’s Deep video keeps saying ‘Caverly’ instead of ‘Cavalry’ and it drives me 100% ape.

This is one of my favorite game stories of all times. I love the world. I love the art. I love the voice acting. I love the humor. I love the heartbreak.

Thank you Brian for this fabulous​ bit of education.

Dem platforms

I think I speak for many when I say, “Fffffffffffffaaaaaaaakkkkkkin HAWT!”

These moon landings are fake.

I feel like this game should be called BAMF!

Actually, there is a clause in the proposed bill which will exempt those who win the lottery. :D

But, but... I thought the framerate issues were proof that the Switch is a wimp of a console unable to run a game at a decent framerate.

The Switch is going to rock this generation.

Guilty confession:

Imagine your isp is a butler, Like Alfred for Bruce Wayne.

Someone’s sad they don’t have BoTW.

“Sonic Forces Looks Like A Promising Modern Sonic Game”

I am very happy that bigotry and hatred are no longer closeted and that people feel free to express it in the open.

Yeah. I agree that a small library is what every console starts with. I remember my PS2 and PS3 were largely wastelands for their first year. Eventually, once developers got comfy and had some time, they all picked up and had GREAT libraries.

But, what about all the hate for the system? I keep reading how Switch haz no gamez. The haters are telling me that it is only a Zelda machine with a disconnecting left controller.

Excuse me, but I need to go find a nice recipe for a hat. Maybe something grilled or broiled hat with a wine sauce.

But, but, I keep hearing the Switch is only a Zelda machine. You know... Switch haz no gamez! and all that noise.