
Is locked at 60 fps during single player.

Personally, I think backwards compatibility is very important for your customers. It sends a powerful signal. Imagine if you purchased a new phone, the new version of your current phone, and none of your apps worked.

My jaded self had no idea why he even bothered to click on the trailer, yet somehow my smile grew and grew.

That logo is a tweaked, italic version of the old Star Trek font

“...most games are cool to say look what I can do, but are vastly inferior to actual mobile games...”



The most upsetting thing to me are the instant message 'Yacks' after the fact. They don't have the excuse of being from a party song. They are cruel, sick, and show people's true feelings of inequality.

Thank you so much! I had no idea I was so enamored with this artist. I thought the similarity between my favorite series and games was all just a confidence!

Hell hath no fury like a woman's scorn for Sega.

I live in Bangalore, India's IT capital.

This is all I can see...

Apple - It Just Works


I have a kickass pair of Soap Shoes.

Sales would be through the roof. Then out of the wall. Then back through the portal in the roof. Then out of the wall portal again...

You are one of today's lucky 10,000! :)

The Vectrex analog stick was a joystick, not a thumbstick.

The Vectrex analog stick was a joystick, not a thumbstick.