
I think Chuck probably left everything to some charity. That would be in keeping with his image of himself as someone always doing the right and noble thing.

Chuck's demise reminded me of another fictional character whose descent into madness ended up in an ugly and painful suicide: Anna Karenina.

His estate would still be entitled to the money. If Jimmy is an heir (not a given), he would press for Chuck's share. Whoever is Chuck's executor would, too. Way back in Season 1, Jimmy was trying to get Chuck to take a buy-out (and get the firm to agree).

Law firms, even big ones, live on their billables and collections. They typically have a line of credit to pay employees if their collections are slow or behind. Partners get a monthly draw and later, distributions when the money comes in. The partners' capital is used for office space and equipment. If too many

True, perhaps, but I don't think that vindicates Chuck. Chuck is sneaky and dishonest. He didn't tell Jimmy to his face that he didn't want him practicing law (until finally confronted). He secretly sabotaged him from working at HHM and pretended he was happy for him passing the bar. His motives weren't pure,

Call back to Kim's handing Howard the check.

Even if he tried to escape, he might die of smoke inhalation. That is what kills most people in fires.

I think the disappearing guy charged $500,000. Walt had to pay more because he was a "special case."

I don't think they will get married, but Saul did refer to an ex-wife in BB, as I recall. Maybe someone can confirm.

Don't know about Japan, but don't most Europeans, Germany included, take six weeks of vacation every year? Many Europeans are amazed to learn that Americans typically only get two weeks vacation a year, at least to start.

I agree. I love Jimmy and will be sad to see him "break bad" for good. As others have said, Kim is the only thing keeping him on the right path for now. It will be doubly sad when he loses her.

No, he's just not getting the money now. Presumably, the case will settle at some point and then, Jimmy will get his share.

Chuck's lawyer would have the original of his will, most likely. Probably someone at HHM did estate planning for the partners.

I think she may be from Kansas, not Nebraska. She was wearing a Kansas tee-shirt in an earlier episode.

Agree. Creepy troll alert.

His only secretary was Francesca. She became hardened. I don't remember any grossness.

I didn't anticipate that Chuck would commit suicide by deliberately burning down his house. Did anyone?

Sadly, I think Chuck probably did a Joan Crawford on his will—"I am leaving nothing to my brother James McGill, for reasons that are well-known to him." It will be his final swipe at Jimmy.

Aaron Paul was on Big Love, too.

For her to get her hair that straight (and have it stay that way), she probably had a chemical process. I wonder if the storyline was developed around her hair-straightening or if she had her hair straightened because of the plot.