
The (former) Gawker and its sites have pretty consistently put forth a message that wealthy people are evil. The notable exceptions are wealthy celebrities that espouse liberal views, regardless of whether said celebrities do more than just talk about the issues or not.

That’s fine since it’s their prerogative to have

The residents were pissed, and petitioned the Board of Supervisors to nullify the sale. One resident explained to The San Francisco Chronicle the shock that they, the city’s wealthy, could be so rudely taken advantage of

Dude, this is a state school in South Carolina. Very few of the people who go there are wealthy. She’s a white girl living in college apartments right next to a real shitty part of town, and working as a waitress. You really think she comes from a wealthy family? I know those apartments, and everyone who lives there

Simple, they wont talk or depict it at all. The Root is not a place for discussion or dialogue.

If you read the article that Gavin posted, you’ll find they had abducted someone of color but let them go when they discovered they were not white.

Or, as read on The Root...

“Honky bitch white privileges her ass out of trouble in the most white woman way possible.”

So are you claiming that white people are the only ones in history to have slaves?

1- Stop pretending there isn’t a problem, especially with broken families and short sighted thought processes.

Gizmodo was reporting on Milo Yiannopoulos’ leaked book with a very in depth opinion and criticism. When I suggested Gizmodo stick to technology and leave politics out of their articles the responses I got justifying it were, “The book is leaked and therefore it falls in the realm of technology.” Given that

It is ironic that people here are too put off to even visit a website. So much for the real Americans (TM) over here.

a lot of mention of race, but no mention of the attacker’s actual race. hilarious, doesnt fit your narrative?

oh look, we got our The Root spokesperson over here. The irony of you calling other people triggered while being a user of that site is just awesome.

Hoping Raquan gets Rarekt in prison.

“nobody was seriously hurt” lol fucking delusional

If Obama had a son, he’d have taught him how to drive a stick.

Was wondering if they were niggers and yep the name in the article confirms it.

All three should be executed without hesitation. They’ve already proven they are worthless to humanity. At least make their bodies useful for feeding plants and insects.

Why didn’t this website include the newspaper headline ANYWHERE IN THE ARTICLE???

This was black kids targeting white women.