
I know we are supposed to be better than this but why does KellyAnne have the makeup skills of a 14 year old? And has nobody told her about conditioner?

Normal, non-bizarro world stuff.

The new’s networks ratings are down and everything is boringly sane and normal?

Interesting that she skipped Nixon, because she really sounds like his kind of gal.

Came here to say this. That’s... quite a trajectory. A distillation, really. Take anything that was coherent and sensical about Goldwater, boil it away, and you’re reduced to Reagan. Take that and spin it down, and you’ve got a hard lump of stupid named George W. Bush. Take that and burn it in a crucible, and you’ve

Thank you for this. A woman isn’t lacking in agency just because she’s making decisions you don’t agree with. I might concede that she’s in over her head, but to cast her as someone so blank that she can’t muster up the power to make her own decisions is a disservice to both her, and other women like her. Just because

By the same argument, she is saying that everyone on the left is an egg-throwing psychopath.

From far away, the sound of idiocy can be misunderstood as hope

I keep seeing different self important declarations like these about how someone assuming the person supports Trump was the last straw to push that person over to support him. What they are really saying is they know it’s socially reprehensible to go along with some of the more extreme ideals and are looking for an

I think you maybe missed the point of her op-ed which was, succinctly, that she has chosen to embrace an ignorant, self-obsessed charlatan of a political figure because someone threw an egg at her once.

a Goldwater-Reagan-George W. Bush girl

It seems hypocritical to keep referring to it as an egg and not a chicken.

There’s nothing remotely fair or legitimate about the Director of the FBI intentionally manipulating public opinion of one candidate days before an election through targeted, misleading, selective public statements that heavily imply wrongdoing and criminality, while steadfastly insisting nothing about the much more

So you think its cool that the election was manipulated by Trumps boyfriend in Moscow?

Your assessment is correct. However, that does not mean that him or his cronies can operate free from criticism, and with this particular clown car, it’s like shooting fish in a barrel.

It was likely manipulated by Russia. And Comey’s rank, treasonous fuckery. And Trump lost by 3 million votes. It is morally completely illegitimate. Possibly legally as well.

Bezos must have gotten some future concession. Perhaps a layer of airspace just for Amazon drones?

Remember folks, whether you’re a democrat or Republican, the large media is controlled by the same corporations and CEOs who all hang out at Davos together. There is no Right-wing or liberal media. Just a media that

Trump is one committing treason on a daily basis. Clinton has had a $600 million witchhunt aimed at her for 25 fucking years and the assholes on the both the right and left still can’t prove that she has EVER done ANYTHING illegal much less treasonous. Open your eyes. You got played by right wing and Russian

The problem with ignoring reality is that reality is under absolutely no obligation to return the favour.