Under Pence I don’t have to worry about actually dying because he said something on Twitter that caused North Korea to lose their shit and start a nuclear war.
Under Pence I don’t have to worry about actually dying because he said something on Twitter that caused North Korea to lose their shit and start a nuclear war.
You just said nobody takes them seriously right after using them as evidence to back up your original statement.
I believe Headly was saying the lesser educated Conservatives are more easily duped than the lesser educated Liberals. This was pretty much proven to be true during the whole fake news scandal when one of the Macedonian teens responsible for creating fake news articles told the BBC there’s no money in creating fake…
I agree, but the level of reach and influence those people have is nothing compared to the narrative a political party is pushing on a national level.
They absolutely are. One of the Macedonian teens responsible for creating actual fake news stories said so himself when the BBC interview him. He said they don’t even bother making fake news stories that appeal to liberals because there’s no money in it.
You think some people on Tumblr push a narrative that has the same level of national influence as something like the NC bathroom bill?
There’s a big difference between a few people creating an impression on a comments section and a political party pushing a national narrative. For example, which do you think got more people talking about transgender rights on a national level; the comments section on Deadspin or the North Carolina bathroom bill?
“It’s because today, Conservatives have convinced a large number of people that liberalism means getting to use your preferred pronouns and arguing over who has the least amount of privilege.”
That is not what fake news is. Fake news is made up stories created by teenagers in Macedonia in order to generate ad revenue when their fake articles get circulated on social media.
Correct me if I’m wrong, but all this guy does is repost memes other people made on his Instagram account? And he’s famous for doing that?
It won’t matter, they’ve convinced themselves that Obamacare is the worst thing ever and anything (including nothing!) is a better option.
Yeah, I saw someone claiming that on Facebook. Oh wow, some anonymous guy on 4Chan claimed he made up the story? Well that sure sounds believable! Let’s just go ahead and believe that without any logical reason to do so!
Yeah but even if you called her a liar to her face she wouldn’t care. Her ego is so inflated nothing an average person can say would hurt her.
I stopped watching Fallon because of that shit. Fuck him.
“As an American citizen...we should be concerned that intelligence officials leaked to the press and won’t go tell the president-elect or the President of the United States what the information is”
“looks like there’s a lot of digital editing going on”
Ah, that’s a bummer. I was pretty interested until I read this.
Ah, that’s a bummer. I was pretty interested until I read this.
We’re sick of experts!
That is the best episode by far. The way Marshawn Lynch deadpans that line, “She blew a bubble, and she blew a bee” slays me every time. The Fallout 4 one is the 2nd favorite.