
The ruling (assuming it stands) will prohibit states from restricting municipalities' ability to roll out Internet services. Doesn't in any way prevent private providers from doing it, just says that, if Shelbyville wants to expand the town-owned network to serve Springfield as well, they can.

The Comcast sympathizers will be up in arms about this . Comcast is beginning to realize that all the money they have is not going to change the fact that people do not need to have a wire ran to their homes for digital content anymore and there will be other companies that will challenge their monopoly and set shop

I am sure that it will be fought by the states. I am about as much of a "federalist" as anyone, and am all for keeping states powers and I cannot believe I am about to say this, but the commerce clause covers this pretty solidly.

I just want to confirm something——Is Russia a communist country, or a capitalistic country now? If Russia was a communist country, there shouldn't be any billionaires since there'd be a high concentration of money in a few hands, while in a communist country, the wealth and resources would be spread around widely

Ecxept, it doesn't. The base data is flawed and manipulated. NASA/NOAA has also recent been caught revising data from decades past to remove cold spells. They have been caught altering raw data from temperature collection stations, and let us not forget the East Anglia University data scandal. In each case, the data

So the VAST MAJORITY of empirical evidence still supports climate change, and you would have us believe it's because.... why? Because Russian petroleum companies are more competent than American ones at spreading fake science? Because the billionaires who support FAILED green companies are outsmarting the billionaires

Right, because the big money is totally with environmentalists and not with the trillion-dollar oil companies.

I love pho and burgers, but this honestly looks kind of awful. The only thing this has relating to pho are the noodles, but they're fried so it's more like eating a dried brick of instant ramen noodles. Plus the burger patty looks dry and overdone. Points for the Sriracha and hoisen, but those would taste great on a

I think I understand what you are getting at, but I disagree. The only case where you'd really need head tracking is if you are strapping a screen to your face that tracks with your head but the audio doesn't track.

All of you KS apologists can get off your high horses. Yes, Kickstarter is a crowdfunding venue. Yes, it's a learning opportunity and gives small companies (actually that's a whole different topic) a chance at producing a product they wouldn't be able to otherwise. It's not a place to scam people like Bonaverde is

Yes, a large number of people have requested refunds, and a fair amount have complained to KS and gotten nothing more than their basic copy paste "we'll look into it" response. Some in the UK have had luck with chargebacks, but not so much in the US.

That sounds rough. To be fair to Bonaverde, they have been MUCH better at communicating since people started complaining.

I feel like if you replaced Bonaverde with Agent smartwatch it would reflect the way the Agent backers feel.

if they develop it, they will come

Lemme be replaced with a model that supports audio advertisements.

Wait, a cheap way to get notified when a door or window is open? I think I've got one of those...

Chuck Norris is the one flying. Not the planes. They are simply strapped to his boots.

I'd love to talk to him. He makes badass Lego builds, that's pretty awesome in my book. :)

How would today's Gizmodo front page look like, if this was Apple Surface Pro: