chance the rapper stan

Are we talking bout Watchdog's Chicago,Happy Endings' Chicago or Ferris Bueller's Chicago? I need to know.

"I thought long and hard…" THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID.

So…..When does he submit his bid for the Clippers?

I also find the lack of Two Door Cinema Club and Tame Impala disturbing.

Can we all agree that Vampire Weekend make the best music on that list.

The difficulty is nuts,ButITellYaWut, Its sure damn worth it.

Me thinks the reason why FLOTUS wants to kill herself is because her husband doesn't call her or Frank Underwood got her drunk and left her in the passenger seat and…..

Drunkin Donuts it is then. White russian or Cranberry vodka?The choice is yours.

And if the asswipe coach wins, will he call his veep? These are the questions that keep me up at night.

Daaaaaaamn bruh,Congressman you so thirsty.

Great username also.

The kind fellowship of the A.V Club welcome you into our humble home.

Honestly,the cringe levels of this show can be too much for the human body. The only possible way i could cringe more at this show is if there was a Jewish Republican played by Larry David.

Holy Shit!!!!!.Veep is an amazing piece of art.If only Malcolm Tucker blessed this show with his glorious swearing and awkward running.i would be one satisfied human being.

I wasn't a big fan of this show,but the musical guests were on point. Chance the rappers "chain smoker" performance was amazeballs.

Jay leno can never be trusted.

Fuck Jim Belushi. That is all.

Why is this show soooooo good with dick jokes tho? These are the questions that keep me awake at night.

This game,Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze and Nidhogg have given me the most satisfaction in 2014.Now i just have to wait for Super Smash Bros to consume about 4 years of my adult life. Worth it.