
Why are all these old articles being posted again?

Why is this article from two years ago popping up again? Are you unable to write anything new?

Good try shilling your book.

You wrote nothing about how they “avoided a suicide key” but you wrote nothing about it. Just that it’s the only function if your trapped in a room.

Good job reprinting an old article. This information is months old. Please quit your job and swim to the bottom of a river to think about your life.

Bored games are a hard sell. Because they are mostly boring. Good luck getting something going that is not repetitive.

Do you not have an example of his work? This is a garbage article that degrades the wonderful work this man did. Please take a writing class or kill yourself so that this man can beat you senseless.

I see what you did there. Another ad trying to be hidden in what appeared to be some fun ingormation. You really are a dinosaur of the internet news.

Thankfully it was not written by someone at Kotaku. Tons of great information for a change :~)

I play this game. The Devs do not respond when issues pop up UNLESS it’s an issue that is helpful to the players. The just did a free card each day. The cards contain Skrull Costumes you can only get from cards. I got 4 cards and others have gotten as many as 9 cards from the 7 logins. They refuse to answer why this

Your writing it terrible. Half way through the article I have up because your just jumping around and I have no idea what the real issue is. Quit writing please.

Wait. This didn’t happen in America? I’m actually shocked.

Then why does he advertise it as an achievement on the youtube page?
looks like he believes its an achievement worth being acknowledged over. Seems like your part of the poop parade now go change your diaper.

You must love Japanese dating games.

calm down kiddo. Just because you wont get a ribbon is no reason to refuse anyone else acknowledgment.

Classic kotaku. Making the article sound like the graphics are downgraded to get clicks. Please look up a glossary of terms and phrases that pertain to you choice of medium. Or you know quit life because you sucks at basic functions.

Who gives a 9 year old uncharted? That’s a great influence. Good job America