Christoffer Håkonsen

He's obviously on the first level before the BFG :D

Why not just make one phone witch is the brightest, loudest and smallest? And try to skip the pinkest...

Wow! Is that one of those new ones that dosnt f##k up the filenames and you actually dont need spesial software to transfer your songs to it?


Never in my life owned a Apple product. Doin fine.

Are you saying that there is no such thing as a cd-player for iPad thingi? iCD ? ROLF

I like how the Norwegian luxury prison freshened things up with art for over a million dollars.

When your at the idea of sewing pictures together why not produce every piece of the picture in focus?

Wonder how it does in the EuroNCAP crash test? :D

Put it in the Camaro :D SD - Super Diesel!

This would spare 133.000$ USD in taxes when sold in Norway :) Almost half the price of a new coupe :)

And combine that with building the plant it self inside a mountain or underground in the first place, with cooling in tanks above plant level.

The buttons doesn't have a system crash :)

Takes to looooong to read this site now. How's the iPad edition? Maybe I'll buy one of those if it reads this site faster :D

To stylish for me..

@zzzaap: Let's hope the oled screen will help with that problem :D

@ndotm: It's only the "cheap" audi-lambo's that come without lambodoors

@sidewayzM3: You mean the DTA Dynamic Tree Avoid system.