Happytime Harry

I had one of these In my 20s and It was the greatest car ever, but you’re absolutely right.  I live In New Hampshire and there was a constant rust battle.  The engine couldnt be stopped though, was getting about 49mpg at 220k and sold It to someone and I think he told me he took It up to about 400k.  

I love my eufy but just want to add one more camera to my eufy1 base station but I dont believe It supports eufy 2 cameras yet, ugh.

I love my eufy but just want to add one more camera to my eufy1 base station but I dont believe It supports eufy 2

I was waiting to see how long until you finally let on.

I’ve really enjoyed the shockwave maliwan weapons and the alternate fire modes for most guns, it was a really nice addition.

It was the stripper car of choice at the time as well.  

This literally couldnt be farther from the truth.

I feel like some additional lighting might really help, the pictures look pretty muted, and if you can add some more overhead light as well as line up the pic a little straighter accuracy will probably go up.

plus, russia

If we have to listen to jack edwards, so do you.

everyone did.

this was pretty much going to be my take, kimbrell was wild, but he got no favors, and there was a backdoor slider that in the stupid little box was a strike, that would have been an out he didnt get. Until humans are replaced with robot umpires, that’s baseball.

This has decent integration into Amazon s3 and other offsite backup utilities, it automatically runs in the background for me

This has decent integration into Amazon s3 and other offsite backup utilities, it automatically runs in the

bastion is so soothing even when you get destroyed in a team fight.

Im the same, i usually like glitchless (or non gamebreaking any%) although i work from home and some days i just leave a really long final fantasy or something on the tv while im working. This looks like it would fit the bill

Having seen actually 0 Gumdam or really much anime over the years, this is one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. 

I was surprised when my switch pro controller showed up and it was a little translucent, kind of a nice touch 

My father STILL talks about this every time we’re at a celtics game

Makes me think of old rallisport challenge on Xbox, i used to love those games especially when you lost your headlights out in the middle of the forest.

You’re right, he looks nothing like Drew Bledsoe

ok, except that i play dota and not LoL, but thanks.