“Apologize to Kendall” has my eyes rolling into the back of my head.
“Apologize to Kendall” has my eyes rolling into the back of my head.
Ya, LoL has never gotten anything from DoTA.
I know, the irony right? LoL has never gotten anything from DoTA.
If you need one story to describe the difference between LoL and DoTA this is pretty much it. Punishing creativity, while playing well within the game. Half the fun of Dota patches is seeing the crazy crap the pros come up with.
If anything 7.00 makes games MORE exciting, at least to play. More fighting, less farming, supports are much more effective/exciting, and overall it just feels like a real dota 2 vs dota 1 HD it’s been. (playing since 2004 or so)
Anyone know if Kotaku is a fan of Overwatch? Never see any stories about it.
Well, i’m in the minority, mine was turned in dec 1 and i had the money direct deposited to me on the following monday, easy peasy. My mother and father however are still waiting, although they had more paper work to do since they had leins and such, i owned mine outright.
Crazy, jordan looks just how i would imagine someone that would write this shit would like. Privilege is nice isn’t it?
This is some barstool level money grabbing right here.
I filed everything timely, and i have a Dec 1 buyback appointment. I had 0 issues throughout the whole process. I also scanned/uploaded all of my documents, and everything went through. My father and mother, have followed suit, only slightly slower since they both still have loans out on their cars and had to get…
Saw this and makes me like him even more. Always been a big fan and it takes a lot of guts, especially in hip hop where everyone is always pretending to be hard and tough all the time, that you have an issue like this. I feel like he’s always been one of the realest out there, and this pretty much confirms that.
Ya, please more Dota coverage, been playing since the original war3 mod and all we see around here is overwatch.
Really shocked they didn’t use reese’s pieces because...well, they look more like black and brown.
This would replace my b8 s4 depending on price for sure. I’m not all that into the new s4, and i’ve always loved the look of the 5's and 7's
VIVA PERU, ajajajajaja
I revoked it, and when i signed in again it restored all the access again. I’m surprised that this has flown under the radar because there is absolutely no reason this is needed.
The music when you first travel from one country to the other has never been equaled for me in terms of feels.
So I’m in a 660Ti right now, and have been eyeing the 970gtx, as i don’t need latest and greatest and this seems to fall into the same price point. What are people thinking between the two?