Happytime Harry

So dota offering all 100+ heros for free, from day one is.....

So a full remake? there is no function like in dota2 where you can start a game from every minute so you only lose seconds of gameplay?

But you could have gotten rid of the remaining HP before the spellcast.

Somehow the awful Remy has survived Sean McDonough and now Orsillo.

I have a 2012 s4, 6speed, lightly modified, and was waiting for the release of the b9.

I am a photographer, mostly glamour, artistic nude, blah blah blah, but pretty things. I have an ongoing joke with a few girls around here that there is a subset of photographers and people that use “stunning” as their only adjective. I have a screenshots of tens of photos next to each other with the same comments

Nogaro Blue and pearl white both belong above red.

I can’t believe what counts as LoL news, especially as a DoTA player who has used this mechanic for YEARS, (as well as some bottle tricks).

This is one of the most poorly executed photos I’ve ever seen out of a major publication. Not sure if the lighting was flat, or too much was added in after, or someone went crazy on the skin smoothing but geez.

Have you played secret of evermore/mana or chrono trigger? If not, well, you should probably excuse yourself for a couple weeks and get that done as well.

Then your friends married boys, not men. I’ve been able to cook, do laundry, handle finances, and even fix a thing or two around the house since my mid teens. And although the breadwinner of the household, I don’t slack off at home either, so yes. I think the majority of actual men, will be fine.

Nothing, and I said that. I just never see anyone with what would be considered a career vs a job sharing such things.

Everyone according to my social media feeds that is either “hustling” or “on their grind” are in hospitality, or retail (I have no problem with either, and hey, I applaud the PMA) with 0 aspirations or drive to try to change their situation. They are also the ones at the club on a wednesday.

After watching John Oliver takedowns of IOC, professional stadiums, FIFA, and the like (as well as a worker in downtown) I gotta say Good on ya Mahty. No one here wanted it, the city is already a nightmare to traverse, and there is no proven financial gain for local economies.

Believe it or not, women photographers too.

I kind of like that Dota2’s map isnt entirely a mirror like LoL’s appears to be. Although the map does skew to radiant right now for almost everyones win rate, i really enjoy the different paths and intricacies.

And one more followup thought since I re-read the piece. I have shot many women who were, or became friends in various degrees of undress. The “well you shot nude with him, that means you’ll shoot nude with me” mentality is ridiculously prevalent, and some photographers get upset and/or offended that a girl will say

Ugh, being a professional photographer that does shoot a lot of nude stuff your story is far too familiar with me and other people in this industry. Photography is not my source of income, it is merely a creative outlet, so I don’t have the pressures of any outside factors really, it is for me and the subject to

So, LoL now has a hero that is easy to troll with, such as Dota2 has had for years. Welcome to MOBA’s

What’s the only hero they haven’t copied yet, puck?