what do you mean then? would you like anything, considering you already don’t like the DS gameplay loop?
what do you mean then? would you like anything, considering you already don’t like the DS gameplay loop?
promising a whole hell of a lot here, i’m a bit wary. their previous games were such tightly crafted works, hopefully they can keep that up while transitioning to what seems to be significantly larger type of game.
thats how they hook you man.
do twitch moderators get paid at all? just wondering, i’ve always been curious as to why they would spend so much time and effort doing something like that.
not sure what it says about this website and the people who read it (including myself), that like half the articles on here are just a slurry of twitter runoff punctuated by the writer complaining about it.
i can’t think of too many games that have made much noticeable positive visual design changes after first showing the game, can you?
the vast majority of the enemies were business guys in suits, the last boss was some 80s boiler room CEO asshole. did you even watch the gameplay?
thats because he was like 14 years old in vanilla and only played a tiny bit at the end. his youtube channel didn’t even start until like cataclysm, that guy has to be confused with someone else.
i think equating something this miniscule to being a sociopath is pretty deranged, but you bring up an interesting point. the continuing removal of any sort of game structure or mechanics that foster social interaction in this game does indeed encourage players to be selfish.
these all seem very lame compared to the l4d graffiti.
No shit? I live in German Village, this is really interesting to read. Thanks for the post man.
tbh i’m coming to that conclusion myself. when that puzzle reward that took a collective thousands of hours to solve was early access to a gun that was announced in the road map, i realized i can’t really imagine what they could have done to make me not disappointed. The game just asks for so so so much time that the…
Yeah, that def has been considered.
How the fuck do you sell a gun in Destiny?
If you look at the map of the planets, highlighting different activities will show you if there is a powerful / pinnacle reward drop available from it. Doing those activities will give you a big upgrade once a week, thats really the best / only way to level up post 900.
i was honestly about to completely check out before this season started, i was just expecting another really massive grind. but yeah, i’m enjoying this season so far. REALLY happy they lessened the ritual weapon grind, this is way more the amount of time i’m willing to put in to do a lot of the same things we have…
this stuff always peters out after the first week. the grind for the ritual weapon is supposed to be a whole lot quicker than the one last season too, so i think it’ll shift back to normal play in a few days.
review and nathan for you are my picks for best comedy shows of the decade for sure.
There is nothing in the game when played with the intended amount of people that is a “souls like” experience.
what a weird post dude, maybe you should kinda disengage from gaming for a while if this games existence upsets you like this. millions of people play this game and love this game.