No, not like that.
No, not like that.
I’m willing to bet dollars to donuts he’s done so already, but he’s gotten so used to the shit coming out of his mouth that he pays no mind to the shit filling up his diaper.
One can only hope it ends like the Bunker scenario did as well.
Giri, you forgot the most important Brain Fact about Ghouliani:
-Has the same tertiary syphilis that the moist diaper of a Leader Of The Free World has.
Pretty much the instant that that woman, IN PLAIN SIGHT OF A SURVEILLANCE CAMERA, MIND YOU, took the hanger and made sure to stuff it out of sight of the rack under a pile of clothing, it undid Rodman’s argument that they were offered the items for free by the studio.
I’m no Columbo, how is this not an open and shut…
Yes, thank you, you folks don’t like the White Sox, we all get it, find a new meme.
Fucking hell.
Shame he washed out of UFC , I would have smelled a dream matchup between him and CM Punk for the GuyWhoIsMostInOverTheirHeadHereweight title.
Ah, and now I get why, I forgot that Avalanche had made Mad Max. Explains a lot.
Also, I can’t be the only one who sees a lot of gameplay and mechanics similarities to the Mad Max game. Taking out caravans on the road, random scavengers on the side of the road that you can fight or run over. Even the layout of the starting point of the game feels like it was lifted directly from Mad Max.
I started playing this last night, and I seriously cannot, for the life of me, figure out if this is supposed to be a parody of other postapocalyptic FPS’s or not. The overly expositional dialog, the plotting, everything seems like it’s supposed to be a sendup. The grizzled adopted aunt, who holds her rifle the entire…
Well, this will go well and be pleasant.
He won’t fuck the airport because it’s not reaching his asking price...yet.
Daily dose of Family Feud?! You guys are lucky, that shit’s on my channels at least 3 times a day!
Couldn’t happen to a shittier guy.
Count me as someone who was kinda rooting for Stannis, despite the Red Woman’s machinations, and all the death that happened under his watch. I thought Stephen gave Stannis an incredible pathos when he realized that he had no chance of winning, and had to face off against Brienne. He carried the weight of the…
Shame about Sodapoppin, your guy’s article about him brought him to my attention, and I was digging the stuff he was doing. But if he wants to put the brakes on it, it’s his call. Wishing him the best with new games.
Just to cover your bases, though, I do recommend punching any Cubs fan you see in the arm. Assess “two” in cases of “flinching”.
As they say, you either die a hero or live long enough to become the villain.
How she actually shows up for these functions that have more than a bunch of rich people and isn’t booed out of the building is beyond me.
“Oh, also, I’m mandating that all teachers work through their adult time. Also, we’re taxing you when you buy your own supplies. Those spanish tiles on my pool boy’s pool boy’s cabana aren’t going to pay for themselves, people!”
I get her take on this, in a way. Politicians of all stripes are still unpopular in this country, seen as nothing more than self-serving jerks who can’t be bothered to help anyone but theirselves and their buddies (true in most respects), so further deepening that distrust in Americans by trying to impeach the…