
Herr Asshat.... im dead..... will be used until impeachment.

Thats was just not necessary.

I have yet to see a game that you could only get into beta for a purchase. Just go to the website and register.

A movie you enjoy and a good film are not always the same thing. Most movies have an audience. Good movies surpass audiances.

cost will be minimal, they build the game for the bottom end and turn up settings and texture for the extra horsepower. its what developers have to do with pcs anyways, also ps4/xbone/scorpio are just pcs without windows now

As far as a steam page, yes its third part representation but I would still view it as an extension of them by how they control whats available on that steam page.

THIS SO MUCH, even if its straight transcript its keeps me from bouncing off

said in a online comment....

in the long term, some people would have to live without a table for over a year to buy a premium item, where is a inexpensive table can provide for that need in only a few month, that family would have to figure out productivity (or relaxation, added stress)/emotional costs of not having a table, most people wont and

This, i like them, but they are not great movies, but then again, the originals are not exactley best pictures either, idk why people would suddenly expect an oscar caliber star wars, they are the best form of popcorn entertainment to be had.


The system doesn’t bother me, so apparently it your problem.

I feel your pain.... weekends is when I have time to enjoy and play so I miss out on all of this.

Remember when pistols sniped from across the map... that was cool... time goes on if you don't like it go play halo 2.

So where is the article about how a company can brand a video game, cause this seems like little more than a (what seems to be well deserved) shoutout?

The internet is a wonderful place. I have NEVER heard anyone complain about receiving a disc........

once ps4/xbox ones have a larger install base than ps3, 360 then you can call it current gen.

ill second this, i am one of thos a hole titans, and the shotguns get me everytime

omfg.... comment of the year.

Be glad its not a monthly subscription, that's the only way you get more content with out paying directly for it. very few mmo's have that complete story upfront, kinda designed that way.