
This is pretty much exactly how Donald Trump rose to fame too. Oied and faked like he money until enough people believe it, he was legitimized enough that that real banks loaned tons of money.

God I fucking hate when people fall back on “we need to respect the rule of law!” Every dictator since ever has pulled out that tired old line to explain cracking down on dissidents.

The story about the tent city, aka camps, aka concentration camps is disgusting.

Given the heartlessness that characterises this administration, can we be certain that this was a joke? Radar suggests otherwise.

So,lemme get this right:

Ah! But they can also do it through controlling a sufficient number of state legislatures — which is enough to call a Constitutional convention even though it takes 75% of states to approve any new amendment (“After being officially proposed, either by Congress or a national convention of the states, a constitutional

Keep an eye on the state legislatures. Republicans have been moving for years to get a constitutional majority in the statehouses to be able to pass amendments that way.

Y’all, he’s not fucking joking...

And Aubrey O’Day makes three...

I find it hard to believe that Don Jr found one one woman to flop around on top of, much less two.

Trump has never drank alcohol. Pills and cocaine on the other hand.

“I like to drink with cigars.”

And like Donald Trump himself, Rudy Giulianni used to sound a lot more coherent years ago before the onset of dementia.

That was actually pretty calm and reasonable for Alec Baldwin. Low bar, I know. But still not very different from what a lot of commenters here were saying here when the story broke.

This motherfucker and the House Intelligence already wrapped up THEIR sideshow, and now he wants to interfere with Mueller’s investigation, but I think he’s going to have a problem because it’s an ongoing investigation that he’s not a part of, and there are reports of them leaking shit back to the White House. So it’s

Custer’s last stand.

Ugh this little fuck. I can’t believe we are in such a fucked position that we have to be on #teamBeauregard to protect the fucking investigations.

Not to read them.

Dear residents of California’s 22nd Congressional district, Take out your trash this November.

I agree with approximately zero of this man’s policies. I thought his inflicting Sarah Palin on all of us was one of the worst political blunders of the last fifty years. I vigorously campaigned against him, and would do so still. But now that we have seen the depths of GOP hypocrisy, and the absolute vacuum of