
It’s more what did happen to you. You were born with empathy.

True. We did have the absurdity of the 2004 election where the guy who kinda showed up for the National Guard a few times was “the War President,” while the Vietnam veteran with a Silver Star and multiple Purple Hearts was a coward.

I sometimes start typing such a rant, then delete it before I end up posting some frothing-at-the-mouth manifesto that could eventually be used to establish motive in a court of law.

It will come out at the most inopportune time for America. Putin will release it whenever he needs a leg up to thwart the United States somewhere should Trump get out of line. Like, right before an important summit or something. Just you wait and see.

Apparently, Baldwin gets about $1200 for each appearance. I would definitely contribute to a Kickstarter to pay Alec Baldwin to skewer and mock Trump non-stop until the bastard has a stroke or heart attack or his head explodes like in Scanners.

Wait, you’re telling me a guy who’s married to a Eastern European model who’s father was a well known Communist Party official back in Yugoslavia might be getting leveraged by the Russians? How on earth could that happen?!?!

Chuck Todd, who in all other respects I think is a terrible reporter; i.e., about Kellyanne Conway, “She’s just a really, really good person......” once pointed out that Trump never laughs. Like never. I don’t believe there is one human laugh in the millions of hours of footage we have of him. Trolls, do your terrible

Who cares. Fuck her. She is part of the problem. She wanted the paycheck and assisted in normalizing his evil ass. I hope she ages to death.

The whole thing is just bizarre. An incredibly thin-skinned, whiny, Ivy League, draft-dodging preppie who lives in a golden tower in Manhattan, who is LITERALLY afraid to get his hands dirty (he’s a well-known germophobe) is fucking beloved by blue-collar guys, who think he’s a macho tough guy.

And having hookers pee on a bed for him will look positively quaint when the dirt on what he’s really into gets exposed. Pudgie is a sick fuck, a real pervert of the first magnitude.

My coworkers voted for Trump and still think he’s great. Yes, I’m choking on rage.

I am looking forward to it. That bitch is the worst and I hope her outside continues on its path of matching her inner being.

“King of the Birthers”

Take that back! The honey badger is a glorious animal with much better PR instincts than the short-fingered crybaby.

T-Rump himself is saying he wants to wreck the EU, destroy NATO, antagonize China. For whose benefit? Russia, obviously. Just for fun he’s gonna chop the ACA and the New Deal.

The way he constantly uses the term “hit job” totally doesn’t make me think of his ties to the mob. Every time. He really does have the PR instincts of a honey badger.

They have something. Never forget, he brought up hotel rooms with spycams at the press conference all on his own.

Eventually, some how, some way, I do have faith that this despicable piece of failed humanity will be laid low by his own doing. And I cannot fucking wait. I will literally dance with joy.

I hope it all comes out and destroys him. He can’t hide this shit like old dictators of yore.

The way Trump is going, SNL making fun of his unsubstantiated sexual perversions will be the least of his troubles. I think the Russians do have the dirt on this moron, and I think it’s going to come out eventually, and I think it’s going to be real ugly for him.