
Spot on except IMHO I firmly believe anyone who has anything to do with this administration will be forever tainted.

I wouldn’t go bragging about your father’s vote for Weicker.

Her book? I’ll read the trial transcripts.

 Can we agree to dispense with “Just saying”? We know you were cause we just read what you had to say.

I think you’re buying into the past is prologue as it relates to others from previous administrations who have gone before her. This administration is “different.” Except for possible white knight(s) that may exist within the ranks taking notes regarding crimes being committed on a regular basis, anyone associated

Book deal? Why would I buy her book when I can read the trial transcripts?

Kellyann is living in The Hotel California. She can check out anytime she likes but she can never leave.

I stand corrected, thank you. As I said to somebody else, I would bet that a tagged bear tastes just as good as an untagged one.

You may be right about the tagging protocol in which case I will stand corrected. I will add that a tagged bear probably tastes just as good as an untagged one.

Yep, this photo is going to be job #1 on a game wardens list of things to do this week.

And besides the fact that it’s a bear and not a lion everyone knows that Penn State animals always take showers.

3 strikes, he’s out. This photo is a death warrant.

I think #016 has been tagged twice thus both tags. This photo could be the end of the line for this bear.

Actually that bear is going to die. The ear tags indicate that he’s a problem bear and had already been relocated 2x. 3 strikes and he’s out.

Dollar figure?

You do realize LJ is the resident troll? It’s best to ignore him/her and not give them the attention they crave along with having their comments rise.

I bought a used car for my daughter. I flat out told the guy after a 10 minute test drive, “Look I’m interested in your car. I know you want $6000.00 would you consider $5500.00? Yes. “I then told him I know it’s used car with 105,000 miles on it. I’m not looking for perfect I’m just looking for show stoppers. I

Sounds like you sold the bike to a meth head. They love taking shit apart when stoned and have no clue how to put it back together.

If it was as Italian with no thumbs I’d wager he cut them off himself as a defense at trial: “Me? How could I strangle him, I have no thumbs.”