This is insulting to Dr. Suess. His books are timeless, my kids loved him.
This is insulting to Dr. Suess. His books are timeless, my kids loved him.
One should actually be happy if fast food workers were paid $15.00 per hour. Consider this: If fast food workers were being paid $15.00 per hour and you are a $20.00 per hour secretary with esential responsibilities using the simple argument of, “this job isn’t worth it, I can get $15.00 any hour at McDonald’s” your…
This may help explain it a little bit. I don’t have the details and I cannot give you a link to support what I’m about to say. I do recall reading an article that said they did a survey of people who were being paid $25,000, $40,000, and $50,000, and they asked them if they were happy with the pay structure. They said…
Eh? One can only do so much. A few years back our parents died and I was alone going through my mom’s treasures that I had gifted to her over the years. Via text msg. I reached out to my sister and told her what I was doing. She replied that she gave my mother some of these items that were in this collection from a…
Starred for acknowledgement...
The flip side of you is me: I’m the uncle who kindly thought it was wise to let my sister know what her daughters were posting on facebook when they were 11 & 13. Shortly thereafter I was unfriended & blocked, my sister and I haven’t talked in years. Moving forward the oldest one was almost killed due to reckless…
So tell me, how many jobs did you get out of your fraternity connections, (that you really didn’t deserve)?
If ever there was a college that needed to require 4 semesters of mandatory ethics classes Penn State is it.
They were not talking him up as he thought they should. They were openly questioning his behavior, sanity, decorum, etc, etc...
Restitution is a standard part of a criminal conviction sentence. Rarely is it ever paid in full. However if the criminal should come into money via inheritance, they invent something that becomes a must have product, or wins a lottery they will have to pay up.
Trump was often phoning it in through the fall campaign season. Kelly Conway was on twice a week if not more. Screw these two. I suspect her parents are ashamed of her. They made their bed, let them lay in it.
Soulless? After he threatened them they crawled so far up Trump’s ass NBC had to commander a NYPD tow truck to separate them. Between this and Brian Williams, and Nancy Snyderman - fired for getting a hamburger, I’ve decided NBC News has lost its way.
Your so niavet. Trump not only knows everything, he was probably supplying them with an apartment early on. He threatened them and they got in line. After that Trump was phoning it in everyday, (very poor way to have a guest on as you have no clue who is telling them what to say). Additionally Kelly Conway was on the…
If he does it will be via his buddy who owns The National Enquirer.
Live on camera all the way. Drumph is the reality President afterall.
“I’ve noticed Morning Joe’s guests often look like they’re this close to leaping over and punching Joe in the mouth.”