Chaim Chaikin

I can interpret the data differently: alcohol abuse is more prevalent in ages 18 - 25 because in the new generation more people abuse alcohol. In order to get accurate figures you would have to examine the same data over a long period of time and find that the same people who were abusing alcohol at ages 18 - 25,

Some voice in the back of my head keeps screaming "Chrome". But for some reason I'm still a Firefox fan.

That status bar looks like its copy and pasted straight out of chrome. Although I must say that I do like it.

It all depends what I'm doing. Usually web design is easier at my desk with a mouse, keyboard and extra screen.

@Slinkytech: Technically software programs are "apps" as long as they are used directly by the user to perform a specific task. []

I've disabled this long ago.

@fauxtronic: Forgive me, I wasn't accusing Lifehacker of any evil plots against Symbian. I was simply wondering which program to use on my Nokia for Instant Messaging.

So only BlackBerry, iOS and Android things here. What happens if you have good, old symbian.

Vote: ebuddy

Switching? No, but using it, they not giving much of a choice, are they? Not if its going to be the primary messaging system on Facebook.

@hahn: I told my principal that the boys own the school (at least in my school).

Interesting , I recently had an argument with my princi*pal* whether "Boys' High School" or "Boys High School" is correct.

@ChaosEh: Haha, thanks for the explanation :)

What's "writing"?

@Merricat: Yes, but it would most likely be very resource consuming. And there is many easier ways to make money illegally.

@badbob001: Most important sites most likely use one-way encryption so a site like Facebook, Google or Twitter is never going to send you your password in an email. Even someone who gets hold of their entire database won't be able to see you password.

@kellanpan: Read the titlebar of this page: "Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done"

I thought Lifehacker was about "getting things done"