We don’t have anything to worry about, do we? Besides, we have Putin right where we want him, which is to say, exchanging Christmas cards with Comrade Trump.
We don’t have anything to worry about, do we? Besides, we have Putin right where we want him, which is to say, exchanging Christmas cards with Comrade Trump.
There seems to be so much chatter about how unpredictable Trump is. Quite the opposite actually seems to hold true. Not only does Trump recycle the same play book over and over, but Trump seems to only know one play. This one play of Trump’s was first seen for mass viewing on The Apprentice, have entities compete with…
Seems like Trump is still trying to wheel and deal, like in the business world, such as playing one company off another one. Instead, I would surmise that perhaps he should focus instead on the daunting position awaiting him at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
I presume Eric Trump could write a personal check if he truly were that concerned. Although, I wonder if he will even stand behind a personal check without his Foundation backing him. Like father like son, has he made his taxes public?
As for geriatric candidates, in 4 years even Trump will be 6 years shy of 80. That’s assuming he is still in politics.
My guess from out of the blue is for the individual who is at this very moment 4th in line to be President of the U.S. So, he certainly holds the qualifications, as the present Secretary of State. The question is whether or not he will run. if he does run in 2020, instead of being Swift Boated, I could forsee him…