Chad Urso McDaniel

Really all this does is beg the question of whether or not Prime Lorca is still alive, which I’m guessing will be answered in the next episode or so. Also, please tell me Saru isn’t going to get promoted to captain if/when they get back. That would be insufferable.

Oh god, this is setting up a plot point where Saru

Galaxy and Galaxy 2 were not really free-roaming sandbox-style games in the same vein as 64 and Sunshine. They gave off a better illusion of non-linearity than 3D World (which I absolutely loved) did, but both Galaxy titles, if you think about it, were actually pretty linear.

Don’t know if you understand context, but his statement clearly refers to Bowser kidnapping Peach being incredibly tired and overdone. But go ahead and practice your strawman techniques.

Like I said when people claimed that some of the protectors at Charlotte were just people wanting to preserve history.

How long before “demons from Hell are bad” becomes a controversial stance?

Your overestimating the talent of modern game developers. In an ideal world loading would occur on it’s own separate thread from game logic but in reality it’s all too common to perform loading on the rendering thread and between frames. Thus limiting framerate will limit loading times if your computer is out pacing

Heather: *writes article explaining a complicated situation in speedrunning*

Most games lock their main() loop to the frame rate, mainly because that’s the easiest way to do things, and most of the math used in games is generic enough to just plug in the number of milliseconds since the last run of the loop. Every run through the loop you do all of the physics, AI, etc., and once that has all

Hot damn. ThreeOneFive just got TOLD.

To add to amazingmao’s point, some games attach weird things to framerate. My buddy showed me that in Warframe, a certain character’s ability has shot speed that’s tied to fps. If you drop your other settings to crank up your fps, suddenly she kills things much, much faster.

Not entirely true, some games for whatever idiotic reason, locks the loading speed to the framerate.

Really shows the age of the 3DS. Six years hasn’t been kind to it, but then Nintendo doesn’t start out very high in specs to begin with which doesn’t help that at all.

Last post —- Keep these facts in mind.

I can’t weigh in on the Great Ninja Turtle Debate (other than I always used Raphael on the Dam Level, because he had the shittiest weapon and I’d miss him least), but the stupid SEXY SEX outfits are tiresome. I’m a grown-ass man and have enough brain cells and fine motor control that I can type

And gamers still complain about pricing. It's frustrating. To he honest, with the work that goes into them, I'm surprised games are ONLY $60.

Due to inflation, video games are the cheapest they have ever been, and yet budgets have never been higher, and margins so slim that one big failure could sink a developer.