Chad Bombast

Is that an actual movie? If it were a real band, I think that would have a lot of potential. I enjoyed that one about the Brian Jones Massacre and The Dandy Warhols.

Is this the Charly thing? I have a couple friends who teach at the middle school level, so I rarely miss out on the latest silly thing kids are doing.

I am so completely sick of the found footage trope. But, looking at it from a producer's POV, I don't think it's going away any time soon.

Seemed pretty literal to me, but I admit I didn't read his profile. But, sure, all that "crass marketing" talk just enhanced the original joke. I see it now.

I don't think so, but sure.

You seem to be taking an Onion story very literally.

I hope he gets famous because the name is a gift to Limerick writers. If he doesn't get famous, everyone will just say we're shoe-horning.

My cousin went to the sandwich artist finals in the 90s. I was probably more proud of her than she was of herself.

MS-DOS, huh? So I guess I can blame the fact that I am still waiting for Winds of Winter on Leisure Suit Larry?

Every 10 times he mentioned Colt 45 Blast, he would get $20K? Not too shabby!

I wonder if any story about answering a Craiglist ad for a job in TV/Movie industry has a happy ending. I guess it depends on how literally one is using "happy ending."

The pussification of Merica!

In the music business, a job is called a "gig."

Yeah, I was probably over-thinking it. This makes sense. The line was "white women in the their 20s" a group that, in the abstract, is easy and safe to laugh at.

That explains why Catholicism is doing so poorly in Latin America.

The personals section of Craigslist : asexual woman :: Sunday worship services : atheist

It's stood out to me that the script called for Bill Nye to specify that white women ask the universe for things. Seemed oddly exclusive.

Awww, it was just getting good!

I've watched a few episodes of Louie. Pretty decent show. I really enjoy his stand-up as well. But is he really "changing the way audiences look at what television can do"? That thought has never popped into my head while watching him do anything — well, maybe it did during Pootie Tang.

I used to get Ultron mixed up with ROM the Spaceknight. Mostly because I didn't closely read either title.