Chadboban the Anti-Fanbot

Oh God yes Xenoblade. I just love how each area feels so different, how the soundtrack suits each area (day and night). And yes Eryth Sea is breathtaking. A moment in this game that really got me was when I was in Frontier village at a lookout point outside and I looked up and and suddenly realized "Wait a minute,

Glad that a lot of other gamers get to enjoy one of my favorite games of last year. Please support CD Projekt, they're a great developer!

Damnit you beat me to it! lol


Is that LSP?

New dude is Wesker's son?

Here you go old boy! Jolly good show indeed!

The Fox News lady said that you've had enough, so it must be true.

and in food news

I don't even need to read these comments to know that there is some PC vs Console shitslinging going on.

C'mon Wayforward, you're WAY better than that! I mean just look at what you've done before.

Yeah I would've liked to see the Dreamcast go further but what I got from it was just fantastic. I wish you all the best in expanding your collection and happy gaming!

Same here, although it wasn't my initial intention to play through the entire game in one night, I just couldn't abandon my partner, the game just sucked me in. We played right through to the end and it's an experience I'll never forget.

Kinda hope that they stick to an artstyle more akin to A Boy and His Blob, which they also made.

Geez your making the wait even more unbearable. My friend is already down to the last chapters of Revelations so he should be done by tomorrow. Can;t wait for uprising! How's the online in that game?

Yep I'm a huge fanboy... of VIDEO GAMES! Honestly never got the point of console wars, a real gamer doesn't care what he games on as long as the game is good.

Don't look at any videos of it at all. Go in with as little knowledge of the game as possible.

God, I lent my best friend my 3DS because he wanted to play through Resident Evil Revelations and he is a huge RE fan. He doesn't have the money to get a 3DS so I just thought I'd lend him mines and get it over with. But as soon as I get it back Colors3D and Kid Icarus Uprising are the first two things I'm gonna get.

That's actually exactly what it says.

Now playing

I freaking love this game. Anytime someone asks me "so what is this game like is it like a Kingdom Hearts or Final Fantasy or something?" And the truth is I never really have an answer for this, there's simply nothing else like it.