Chadboban the Anti-Fanbot

Ashcraft wrote this. Sorry to break this to you but Crecente no longer works here.

Yep, last I heard left handed mode is going to be available for the circle pad pro for Kid Icarus and it's going to work exactly the way you say you want it too

Thanks for that! And thanks to everyone that responded. You guys are awesome!


Man I can't wait to see a gameplay video!

Would they tax more for this game?

And if he had a Wii, NONE of this would have happened.

Oh and thanks for putting my post in the article Kirk. Really made my night. :)

The only time a lawyer can cry...

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One of my favourite orchestrated versions. Just amazing!

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I think you'll love this one Kirk. Capcom really went all out with the orchestrated versions of the Ace Attorney music.

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In honor of your avatar I offer this. Lets just sip our coffee mugs and bask in the ambience of some smooth jazz courtesy of Mr. Armando himself.

Geez they have all these anime-centric crazy characters and the backgrounds look just so boring and generic. I hope that there's more to these stages than what I saw in that trailer beacause they just look so meh right now.

WOW! Thanks for this man.

I'd say Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth is heading in the right direction with it's "Logic System".

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Glad to see the one of the Layton and one of the Phoenix Wright games up there, along with Ghost Trick and Hotel Dusk. However I do feel like Professor Layton and the Unwound Future should of been there instead because well.... DAT ENDING!! One of the only moments in a video game that made me cry.... stop looking at

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I think the song was used quite well in the Kill Bill Vol 2 trailer. Ennio Morricone is so damn good.

HOLY SHIT! Xenoblade Chronicles was pirated WAY more than it actually sold.

Really liked this game but HATED the controls for shooting and taking cover.

I love gaming way too much to limit myself to a single console or a single company's products. It's all about knowing where to buy your games so you don't have to spend a ton. I game on everything, that includes handhelds and PC and most of the time don't have to spend a ton to get my gaming fix.