
Jarlaxle Baenre, Leader of Bregan D'aerthe

I agree. Stating that the standalone camera is dying is the same lazy thought process that led to the statement that the desktop PC is dying.

His initial power in Heroes is my favorite super power...

The reason that media is dying is because they 1) are too concerned with things that aren't really news, 2) don't provide unbiased facts to back up their stories, or 3) outright lie to the population about what is going on with a story.

Most of the reviews say that it's unstable... I'd stay away for now folks.

With the exception of a very few people, every person who's workspace looks clean and neat all the time, doesn't actually do much real work. If you have multiple projects going on, there should be some sign of each of them on your desk, as putting them in a file drawer should only be for when the project is complete.

I'm sorry everyone who was complaining about Google shutting down Reader... but are you still using IE as well? Reader on its own has a TERRIBLE interface, and the only way I could have ever handled it is by use of a third party program. Instead, I've been using Feedly for several months, and I love it. I can get it

Get your canon right. Raynor and Kerrigan were a thing before she was infested. Throughout the original SC and BW, Raynor beat himself up over not being able to save her. They even alluded to it in WoL. If you're going to review a game and tell everyone that the people who WROTE the game botched the story, maybe you

OH HELL YES. PA is going to be pretty awesome!

It's also ignorant to say that the stories of our video games are being held back by a lack of RAM and processing power.

We suffer no Unitaskers!!!!

Are you kidding me? I don't read Gizmodo anymore because they were so pro-Apple I was getting sick!

My reply to this article was actually going to be:

I'm done with Gizmodo. I'm sorry when you write things like this that you know will start a flamewar, you disenfranchise most of your reader base. Good Riddance.

Agreed, Nothing in Buffalo, NY

Knife/Cutting Board Combination. It is the one thing that I use almost every time I cook something. For heavy chopping I have a Chicago Cutlery chef's knife, and for lighter stuff I have a CC santoku. Those, a good plastic cutting board with a rubberized drawer liner underneath, and I'm set for about 80% of kitchen

I want to get Greenpeace up in a tizzy about this, except that they all probably use Macs... I wonder if they'll just melt at this news...

Oh, and I forgot, the humidity from the bathroom will put out any kind of fire that the iron might start, nevermind, you're right...

Ohk, I'll just tell my Girlfriend to put her piping hot curling iron into a thin cardboard box, and lets just see how that works out...