
I think when you just blindly jump from one line (or lane) to the next, the odds are it will backfire. But if you scan the situation appropriately, you could and should easily benefit from the switch.

Their earlier stuff sounds like Sonic Youth. This sounds like it could come straight off of Rumours.

Sure it’s been stated already, but vasopressors, such as norepinephrine, phenylephrine, and vasopressin do not lower blood pressure, they increase it. Vasodilators, such as nitroglycerin and nicardpine, lower blood pressure.

I’ve been watching Twitch streams for years now and had no idea that negative raids were a thing. Thought they were just a means for big streamers to give back to the community by gaining viewers for smaller streams.

Didn’t the Whitney Houston version reach like top 10 in the Billboard charts? So wouldnt that be first?

I’d actually argue that Walker is also “world-class” as far as his position goes.

I’ve had stomach problems (IBS) my entire adult life. Started putting two tbs of apple cider vinegar into my tea. Perfect poops. Stopped for 2 weeks after my baby was born. Back to watery poops. Started back up again... perfect poops.

No science to back it up, just my own 2 cents.