
Good riddance! Don’t let let the door hit you on the way out!

Oh, fuck you....


*Samuel Johnson not Paine

Also to be clear, I’m not trying to defend this guy because I truly am too ignorant on tennis culture to have an opinion

Not a huge tennis guy, but wouldn’t charging the net after a shot be literally a “hit and run” as you say?

Holy shit you are naive! And a bad speller too! And a wacko conspiracist too! What a majestic trifecta!



Who the fuck cares what’s in your heart and mind?

Mel Gibson’s life fell apart? Is that why he’s nominated for an Oscar in 2017?

fuck off back to Beantown!

Seems to me installing software to game emissions tests isn’t really “in the spirit” of the tests either....

better be decaf!!!

PEDANT ALERT: fuck me this article is poorly edited and/or not proofread

well they are asking you to smash their mouth, might as well make it look inviting

firmly with team cudi on this one. mocking peers that are struggling with mental health is wack as fuck. maybe cudder hit a litttle too close to home with the ghostwriter jab?

fucking haisley man.

I’m finding it funnier than I should that he tweeted out his retirement using Earl Sweatshirt lyrics

Spot on. Thugger clearly enjoys playing with perceptions of masculinity in rap, especially the shit directed towards himself.