
Had a '56-'57 6 volt VW converted. Tiny rear oval window, reserve tank mechanical lever in the middle of the firewall (no gas gauge), rear seat area was one long carpeted bed. Big rims and tires, half-moon hubcaps. Pretty much pushed it to start (not a problem in my youth in Florida).

Jeeze...and all the time I thought registration was just a way for the state to collect yet more of my money. Don't know about Tokyo, but here on the West Coast the further away from Canada you are, the more you pay for the same piece of paper...which has nothing to do with how safe you or your car are...and

I don't think the Bradbury Building was in Detroit...least-a-ways it wasn't the last time I was in it. Nor, come to think of it, did it make it's beautiful presence known when I was in Detroit last year.

When it comes to movies about Detroit, prefer Blue Collar myself...

Anyone else wishing that the airbags failed?

Them shorts would make Daisy Mae blush...

RE: the second pic in the discussion section...

Don't know the exact page count, figured around 10,000. Better books than the Wheel of Time though...

they should be in the running...

Blue wire snaking into the stereo head unit....

THX 1138? Fahrenheit 451? Dark City?

For talking guns, see the well named David Gunn Death's Head.

Wimps. Try Dumarest of Terra or The Gor series. Did read the Steven Erikson opus...TV was broken...haunting, rambling, ultimately unfulfilling. Still blame Borderlands Books for turning me on to that crack.

Far as I'm concerned...and believe me, this sort of thing concerns me, painfully and often; they should stay out of the left lane unless they are doing at least 10 over...

Good catch. Seems to be an extended delay responding to your alphabetilization obsession. While I like Matt more than most Gawker editors, I'm not sure we can let him slide on the important 'a' before 'e' question. Wonder if they will re-arrange the listing anytime soon. Also wonder if Matt spells potato with an 'e'

Yeah...they're really trying me............

Three? Anyone......Anyone? Ferris...

Driver's side swinging doors, a Le Mans exclusive, part of the Lucille Ball package.

Not shedding a light on how to connect to other Gawker sites...shades of Lucas...