
@Gonzie: There's a click to play option for plugins in chrome.

Just use FlashBlock and load only the flash you want.

@ament001: Scientists are liberal or conservative and are often funded by politicians and governments and organizations with agendas.

I've done something similar with my tomato router for a long time, the trade off is some sites dont load or load incorrectly. Hulu comes to mind and intel for some reason.

Please Giz, steer clear of politics, and if you are going to do politics, at least show who these people are running against.

@JesusDeSaad: I really dont know. Like it said, I'm not lying, just being paranoid. Makes me feel better I guess.

I like how the maximum age in the search is 120

@trashcanpatrol: I dont know, my windows 7 laptop is always barking at me that my battery needs to be replaced. It sucks

iStat Pro is good for this too

@soldstatic: I dont think google voice can ring your iPod touch.

@The5thElephant: cormack was saying that 8gb of ram or not, the processor is really too light weight to take advantage of it. It's almost like putting 8gb of ram in a netbook.

They make you sit on a sensor, so clenching your anus will get make you fail. They dont like counter-measures and if they suspect you are employing them, then they dont waste time.

Looks familiar...

@pettiblay: I think the moral to the story is "don't buy a cheap router". How can you compare a 3 year old bottom of the heap router to a $200 router?

@chodaboy19: I'm in the same boat, think i'll wait for the Netgear V2 though, sounds like it's getting a nice spec bump.

@freedomweasel: Probably should grab the Google Sky Map App to check...

Me and my brothers and brother in law once carved a pumpkin with slightly larger guns.

Yeah been doing that for years on Solaris

I'd do the same. Why should corporations pay any taxes at all? All they do is pass the cost to their customers. End the end, we pay the taxes anyway.

Well I'd like to see the break down of iOS versions out there. With the pain in the ass update method that apple offers, i can see where lots of users don't or possibly can't upgrade to the latest version of the OS. I know lots of people who dont sync their iPhone. I for one haven't upgraded to 4.1.