
It needs spinners to finish the look.

put it in the 1 serise and call it a day

@Placebo: Even the guy that is right there is just him the polite 'yeah yeah, sure i'm interested' look that you give the people in the middle of the isle at the mall that are trying to sell you jumba juice. Wait till the shpeal is over then bail as soon as he breaks eye contact.

8:30 can't come soon enough! I can't wait for the brand new pictures of the ugly girl in a brand new dress!

will it work with moose? you have never ever shityerpants unless you have come to a screaming halt infront of a moose in the middle of one of the trans-canadas in the middle of the night.

After a night at the bar when I can't catch a break from any of the hot girls, I head for one of the ugly ones...because you know that they must be good at 'something'. What, in gods name, is this car good at? maybe it was just meant to be the fixed point in time for Pontiac designers 'well, it can't be any worse than

@geeteeoh: I have never ever in my entire life been dissapointed with intercourse, until I went there. What a let-down, especially if you drive through Blue Ball on the way.

...anybody else notice that when you change the font you are magically one mile closer?


@HDC: are we brothers from different mothers? I had to go to college before I could find a girl that didn't know I was that weird kid in the back of the class.

I only read this site at work...but like 5 times an hour usually. It seems that, while at work, I can do just about everything BUT my work.

'Do not point at the creature' That was a translation for a pelette gun from China. I want to read their shop manuals. "Rotate devise counter-clockwise until dinosaur juice flow from orifice like great waterfall"

that is an incredible picture.

I wonder what his girlfriend thinks...whats that? He doesn't have one? Oh I see...

'The rest of the Evo looks like Barry Bonds forearm...'

And the hatch makes it practical enough to take to Home Depot.

I like how the tagline 'we need to put the fun back in X' shows up repeatadly in the auto world. MAYBE you should just stop sucking the fun out of things! But in order to do that you need to know where the fun was in the first place, and it was never ever in actually BUYING the car.

This story and the ensuing comments...made getting out of bed worth it today.

The last part of the story is that the man had no idea that the monkey had stowed away in his hair. Upon discovery of the monkey the man knew he had to punish it, so he spanked the monkey for the rest of the flight.

@drewdraws2: of course he knows how to fix it...the trainer told him, after his first fight in peewee hockey, that going to the hospital is for sallies. 'squeeze and pull, and you'll be breathing through your snout in no time! hurry up your shift is on again!' Oh knees still hurt when it's cold...