
“Uma, Oprah” wasn’t from Letterman’s talk show. What exactly does a failed bit from when he hosted the Oscars have to do with his talk show? Oh, nothing at all? The same as his earlier daytime show that wasnt remotely similar in any way to his late night show has nothing to do with it? Okay then!

This seemed to have kind of a “Magical Mystery Tour” vibe to it. Let’s get all these interesting people together, and something cool will surely follow. Doesn’t always work that way. 

now that cocaine is destroying his life and career mulaney has gone from mid to depressing!

I agree overall that it wasn’t that great, BUT I did think Richard Kind’s breaks were uniformly hilarious. He’s one of those actors where just the idea of him is in itself funny, the straighter he plays it, the funnier. Mulaney seems to think so since he also used him as a human punchline in his great “lunchbox”

Who could have predicted that “tonsorial” would appear twice in the same week in these missives? Did someone get a new thesaurus for Cinco de Mayo? 

Mulaney not being funny might have something to do with it.  Dude isn't likable.  Maybe he should stick to writing?

So, Dua actually has at least two meanings: one is “Love”, the other? Is “I want”...

being insanely rich helps a lot

Every couple of years Jerry gets a Bee Movie in his bonnet about how “woke” killed comedy and how you couldn’t make Seinfeld today. Then everyone gets upset and rightfully points out that It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia is still going strong and doing stuff that they couldn’t get away with on Seinfeld.

I didn’t mind the premise and some of the jokes were good, but that set up took so long I asked my wife “are they just doing a dramatic sketch to switch things up?”  Terrible pacing. 

You know, I prefer the term “edgeserfs” to “edgelords”. I feel like granting a Lordship to them gives them power they don't deserve. Give them a title that shows how bound they are to their respective bandwagons. 

No shit, Sherlock.

Right, because Jerry Seinfeld is known for his offensive rants.

Pretty sure Seinfeld wasn’t trying to be “edgy” with his podcast joke.

You die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the establishment - also see Bill Maher.

The Annomolous Man might have had great make up/production, but it took way to long to get to the point.


If you read the entirety of Seinfeld’s comments, they’re not radical or even unreasonable.

Part of me was really, really hoping that Dua Lipa would pratfall into that wall of Sonny Angels.

Constantly amazed at how much access Seinfeld gets. When I saw him drop - first thing! - into John Mulaney’s new Netflix series, I was hitting the fast forward button.