
“in fact Islam its entire thing is denying Jesus died on a cross, please stop gaslighting America”

This episode was dire. The prerecorded weed bit was pretty funny but guest hosts that don’t fit the cast are dragging this show into cancellation territory. Maybe we need to relegate bad hosts to only a couple skits and let the cast fill the rest out. The show didn’t always feel the need to fit every sketch with the

Ramy was fine and game for the sketches, the material just wasn’t that good. I did like the Ramadan sketch, it’s nice to see parodies of religions other than Christianity and Judaism.

Israel doesn’t see them as hostages. Hostages are held in anticipation they will be released and Israel has no plans to release the captives. They are held captive to extort Palestinians with the threat that Israel will simply capture more of them. 

The thousands of Palestinians being held hostage by Israel.

If starting with a Trump cold open feels tired, imagine how most of us feel every fucking day having to see him cold open every bit of news on every media platform.

He may be referring to the thousands of Palestinian civilians, many of them children, that Israel routinely “detains” and has been doing for years. But I suppose that would go against the never ending victimhood of Israel and it’s supporters.

Yeah but what an immune system the guy must have! He’s Rant from that Palaniuk noel!

Well if i was boarding a plane and was sat down next to someone in a mask I would think that maybe they have a immune deficiency or are just being cautious because planes are basically just a big germ tube. Then again if the person is congested, sweaty, coughing and wearing a mask because they think that will stop

Does that look like the photo of a drunk person to you?

The masks are saturated with Illuminati-engineered micro-chemtrails. Every time you exhale through a mask, it disperses a cloud of woke mind virus particles.

If they’re drunk.

Do people really say “throwed”?

2020: Wearing a mask is a choice! You can wear a mask if you like; but you can’t make me wear one.

2024: I cannot be forced to sit next to someone wearing a mask! You wearing a mask is an attack on me!

He seems to be implying that if the person was wearing a mask, they must have a communicable disease and so he felt unsafe sitting next to them. He himself seems bound and determined to make himself as susceptible to communicable diseases as he possibly can and assumes it is everybody else’s responsibility to keep him

I am really, REALLY curious how someone else wearing a mask affects him.

I ain’t drunk. But they throwed me off the plane ’cause I’m drunk”

Anyone that is that insistent that they aren’t drunk is absolutely drunk. In other news, what an utter child. 

It seems like these avant garde performance art style comedians always take things way too far in the name of comedy

It seems like these avant garde performance art style comedians always take things way too far in the name of comedy (see also Andy Kaufman). There may be pushback, but I kind of doubt it, seems like with Borat firmly in the rearview mirror there’s not so much love for SBC.