
Forget the tweets.How does one go from political reporter at Bustle and Axios straight to EIC at TeenVogue? She’s totally unqualified for the position.

Probably been building a little after every day he spent working with Piers.

What popped into my mind was George looking for a payday now. Her child lives with his Father who is perfectly capable of providing a good life for Josey.

It seems weird Naya’s Dad is aggressively targeting Murphy for breaking his promise to provide a college fund when her child is barely in elementary school.

President Biden not using our money to score some perceived political gain is a very refreshing break from the former administration for those of us longing for competent governance instead of a daily sideshow.

Looks like Meghan was ready for them to crawl out of their holes and spout off. I love this shade thrown on Samantha by Meghan in the unaired footage.

Last week, we learned Lucy Hale is in an inappropriate* relationship with Skeet Ulrich in several dirt bags, but it really so important to warrant repeating the same link in two subsequent dirt bags? I know things are slow in the entertainment world, but twice in one day after several times last week?

Not really sure how promoting your child abusing an animal is good for the brand. Sure the internet will enlighten her. A living animal is not a toy.

They could study Neera Tanden. While I am disgusted the focus is on her “mean” tweets, Tanden is no ally of working people. This is one nomination scuttled that is a good thing.

Given the increasing amount of insane babble during his show, his buddy Seth Meyers might want to consider rehab as well. Seems like every day is Day Drinking with Seth now.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t nosy neighbors, it was her children’s so-called father who reported it to the police.

It’s going to be hard to keep the Trump train rolling when the engineer has lost his damn mind. For months, Republicans defended Trump’s claim of election fraud by saying DJT thought he won the election. At one point, my uncle thought my aunt was a strange woman living in his house trying to steal his money. Instead

Ironic the ending being it was all for nothing, much like my time invested in the series. I too thought Baxter was going to welcome Adam into the family for his daughter’s sake. It was just unfortunate Adam was behind Carlo. When Eugene fired the gun, Gina pushed Carlo out of the way, clearing a path for the bullet to

Claudia is definitely her mother’s daughter. Grifters gonna grift.

What must have really sucked was being in those outfits in a studio kept at 55 degrees by the man in the suit.

The one bright spot in a very disappointing show. Of course, we were forewarned by the monologue. Especially disturbing was when Regina said She asked Lorne what to do if She got nervous, and Lorne told her to “play the race card”. Like WTF? It seemed Regina being a black woman was the starting point and ending point

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Here’s a 16 yr. old Claire Danes keeping the wolf at bay quite nicely.

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Letterman wasn’t a safe space for any young woman. You can find dismissive and cringe inducing moments in all his interviews of young beautiful women. Some used it to their advantage like Madonna.

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I’m guessing you aren’t too familiar with his history. Dave was a notorious horndog and every interview with an attractive starlet was cringeworthy. This interview with Drew Barrymore is probably the most famous, although Dave got his share of attaboys afterward.