Random, semi-related thought, does anyone else think it’s weird that Bernie gets labeled as “Hip”? The “Cool Bernie vs Lame Hillary” memes always baffle me. They’re both kindof squares...
Random, semi-related thought, does anyone else think it’s weird that Bernie gets labeled as “Hip”? The “Cool Bernie vs Lame Hillary” memes always baffle me. They’re both kindof squares...
I’d laugh, but my grandmother-who despite retiring, is staying in Reading, Pa exclusively to stay with her congregation- LOVES Ben.
Unless you plan to give back every dollar. Then whatever.
I wouldn’t care if his Kickstarter hadn’t gained $100,000. If people are giving you that much money to make a game, “drama” isn’t allowed to be a problem anymore.
I switched the cover for Infinite the minute I got it and never looked back.
I like how they all have their own weapons now. Does Melissa McCarthy have plasma knuckles at the end? That’s rad.
Ok, are we 100% sure phyllis schlafly didn’t swap her brain into a new body? Has anyone checked where she is right now?
.... I want it....
Why is “I didn’t vote to go to Iraq” always Bernie’s foreign policy trump card? We still went to war...
You know, the world “Privileged” gets thrown around a lot these days. But I can’t think of anything more privileged than thinking you are entitled to video games and are thus free to steal them.
Something, something, Bernie....
Is the overworld that big a sticking point for people?
I think she means books with dogs AND white boys. Books with just dogs are probably cool.
Really? I immensely prefer female teachers.
I assume walking is cool, right?
Well. Fuck a duck.
Is it bad that his play through actually makes me want to play it more? His befuddlement combined with the anarchy on screen was actually delightful.
Honestly, I don’t think it’s nearly as much as a problem as we’ve been led to believe. Yes, it’s bad, but we’ve gotten to the point that the majority of the right would vote the way they do regardless of how much money they were given. Like, the NRA could remove every single penny, and we’d still be here.
At this point, does anyone know what it means? I mean, Bernie’s been in Congress for almost 10 years...
... we’re genuinely in danger of pissing this thing away with infighting, aren’t we?